Chapter 14: What really happened

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Some time has passed, Brendan seems to be doing better. His wound was healing slowly but he was up.

Garroth: " It seems like Brendan is doing better."

Aphmau: " A lot better than he was on day one."

Garroth slightly chuckled, he kept on looking at Aphmau, she looked over, she couldn't see his face but knew something was up.

Aphmau: " What? What's wrong?"

Garroth: " Huh? Oh, sorry, zone out for a moment. I'm planning on looking for the man Zenix told us about. If that man is still out there, he could try and attack someone else or the Village."

Aphmau: " Alright, I'll get my sw..."

Garroth quickly grabbed Aphmau's arm before she turned around.

Garroth: " No. I appreciate your offer as always, Lady Aphmau, but I can't risk you getting hurt."

Aphmau rolled her eyes a bit, she wanted to help find the person who hurt her friend, but Garroth did have a point. Aphmau had a high target on her head for being Lord of the village and she doesn't blame Garroth's worry.

Aphmau: " Fine, I guess I'll take care of some of Brendan's work so he doesn't have to worry about it."

Garroth smiled under his helmet. After a while, Aphmau found Donna and Kiki in front of her house.

Aphmau: " Donna? Kiki? What are you guys doing here?"

Donna: " Sorry Aphmau, I should have told you this earlier."

Aphmau: " What? What's wrong?"

Kiki: " Sean Connery is what's wrong. Donna told me that she saw your hamster was bigger than he was when you first got him. She got worried because of how big he is and went to get me."

Aphmau: " Oh, you guys don't have to apologize for that. But is there something wrong with him?"

Kiki: " Well, it doesn't seem like he's sick or anything like that, he's just growing. But I have never seen a hamster or any animal do this before. But hey, more hamster to love. Ke ke ke."

Aphmau and Donna chuckled a bit, Donna looked over and saw Meow, looking at her before jumping out the window and walking off.

Donna: " Were you able to find your cat's owner?"

Aphmau: " Not yet. Why?"

Donna: " I don't know, something about it seems... odd. I mean Thorgi has been barking and growling at him whenever he gets the chance and he doesn't act like that towards any other animal."

Kiki: " Yeah, I tried to get him to socialize with some of the other animals in my barn but they were all acting weird around him."

Aphmau: " Weird how?"

Kiki: " Similar to how Thorgi reacts towards him. Growling or backing away from him. They're all usually friendly to any newcomers, I have never seen them act like this to another animal."

Aphmau looked away a bit, she had tried to get close to Meow, but he hissed a bit or walks away, Thorgi also barks and growl whenever he sees him, but the two had a point, Meow still might have had a owner who's looking for him.

Aphmau: " Yeah, I find it a bit odd that Thorgi acts so aggressive towards him, he's usually laid back, but it's only for a while. Meow is just staying till his owner comes back."

Before anyone could say anything else, Zenix came over.

Zenix: " Lady Aphmau, I need you to make something for me."

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