Chapter 5: Building up and Things goes BOOM

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It was early in the morning, Aphmau found a spot for her own house, she placed all the materials down, but she decided to say thanks to Emmelyn for letting her stay for a while. She knocked on the door when she got to the library.

Emmelyn: " Come in. Oh, it's you Aphmau."

Aphmau: " Hey, how's your studies going?"

Emmelyn: " It's going good, even though I had to put up with you talking to yourself for a while."

Aphmau: "*nervous chuckle* Sorry about that. But I wanted to say thank you for letting me stay with you for a while. I finally got the materials for my house and I'm going to build it on a hill, the one where you can see the whole village when you're on it."

Emmelyn: " Oh, that's a good spot, you can see just about everything there. I'm glad you finally got all your stuff ready to make your own place."

Aphmau smiled, but before she left, Emmelyn called her out.

Emmelyn: " You know, it's not going to be the same without you. I actually just got used to your company here, alongside Thorgi."

Aphmau: " Hmm.. Yeah, it was nice staying here for a while. But I'll drop by from time to time, and it's not like I'm leaving the village."

Emmelyn smiled and nodded a bit. Aphmau then headed back to the area where her house was going to be, when she saw Paul with a huge smile.

Aphmau: " Morning Paul, you look happy this early in the morning."

Paul: " And for good reason, I just sold nearly all of my goods to some nice fellas and they gave me a great price for it. I told them they didn't have to give me all of it, but they insisted I keep all the gold."

Aphmau: " That's amazing. If you don't mind me asking, but what did you sell to them?"

Paul: " Oh, they ask me if I sold any iron, metal and gunpowder. Didn't get the time to ask them what it was for though, either way, they're happy which makes me happy."

Aphmau smiled as the happy Paul left, she got up the hill to find Garroth, Brenden, Emilia, Kent, Dale and Thorgi waiting for her.

Garroth: " There you are, Lady Aphmau. Ready to get started on making your new house?"

Aphmau nodded, Brenden handed her some tools, and everyone got to work. Aphmau looked out at the sea for a moment, and spotted something new in the water, it was a docks. She looked over at Brenden with a big smile.

Aphmau: " You finished the docks!"

Brenden: " Uh huh. I wanted to keep it a secret, everyone doesn't know about it yet, and you guys are the first ones to see it."

Dale: " I think it looks pretty good. Now it'll be easier to have boats and ships tied there when we get travelers to visit. Good think, kid."

Dale rubbed Brenden's hair, everyone chuckled a bit. As everyone worked, Zenix came by, he looked up and down at the house and over at the docks.

Aphmau: " Zenix. What do you think of the docks and my house so far?"

Zenix: "... That's unique. The Dock is also nice."

Brenden smiled hearing that, Aphmau nudged her friend a bit, glad that some of her friend's work was being noticed and was getting compliments. Thorgi got in front of Aphmau and started to growl, it looked like he was protecting her from Zenix.

Aphmau: " Tss! Thorgi. Be nice. It's Zenix."

Zenix looked down at the dog.

Aphmau: " I'm sorry, Zenix. He's usually very nice and friendly to others. I don't know why he's growling at you."

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