Chapter 12: The Arrow

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Garroth ran over to Brenden, he was shaking and coughing a bit.

Garroth: ' Brenden! Oh Irene! Brenden, can you hear me?!"

Brenden was breathing heavily, Zenix rushed over.

Zenix: " We have to get him back."

Garroth: " Help me get him up."

Garroth put Brenden's arm around his shoulder and Zenix took the other. They rushed back to the village and kicked open the Guard Tower's door, where Emilia and Kent were.

Emilia: " What the? *gasp* Brenden!?!"

Zenix: " Brenden was shot by someone. I think it hit his lung because it looks like he's having trouble breathing."

Kent: " WHAT!? We.. Do we take it out or leave it in?! Do we take it out or leave it in?!"

Emilia: " Don't pull it out, more blood is going to gush out if you do!"

Garroth got up and rushed out the door. 

Garroth: " I'm going to send a letter to Bright Port. If Raven is fast enough, we might get the help we need near morning."

Kent: " What about Kiki?"

Zenix: " We tell her of course. We might as well tell her instead of coming across his dead body."

Emilia hit Zenix over his head.

Garroth: " Zenix! Brenden's not going to die. Just hang in there Brenden."

As everyone was with Brenden and rushing around a bit, Thorgi was whimpering, licking his front leg. Thorgi's ear then flicked, she stood up at the window, seeing Garroth running around, he looked over at the open window where Meow hops out of when night comes, and was able to pull himself through with his small but painful injuries. Thorgi picked up the scent of blood from Garroth, and he rushed over to the barn, where Kiki and her animals were. Thorgi began to bark till Kiki came over, right away knowing something wasn't right. After some time passed, Aphamu woke up from someone pounding on her door. She rubbed her eyes and pulled herself out of bed, where Donna was with a worried look.

Aphmau: " Donna? What's.. What's going..."

Donna: " Aphmau! Garroth told me to get you! It's an emergency!"

Without no hesitation, she followed Donna to the barn house, where Brenden was moved to be more comfortable. Everyone was there, worried and comforting Brenden, who was breathing heavily. Emmalyn was flipping pages of a book, trying her best to help Brenden and keep his wound from bleeding out.

Aphmau: " What Happened?! Brenden?!"

Kent: " Someone attacked Brenden at the old Lord's house. We don't know how deep the arrow is, and we don't know what to do."

Aphmau: " Don't you have a doctor here?"

Garroth and the others who lived in the village looked away for a moment.

Emilia: " Well, kinda. He's a trailing doctor. He hops from village to village to help whoever is injured or sick and stay till his patients are better. We don't know where he is right now."

Garroth: " But I was able to get contact with Bright Port, if we hurry, we can get Brenden the right treatment."

Kiki rubbed her brother's hand, trying not to cry, Stephaine and Molly comforted her and Emmalyn as they were trying to help Brenden. Everyone talked at the same time, not knowing what to do.

Aphmau: " I'll go to Bright Bort."

Everyone looked at her.

Aphmau: " It's not my first time there, and I was able to get back pretty fast when I came home."

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