Chapter 4: Garroth's Kindness

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Some time has passed, the village was already starting to look better. Aphmau was helping Emilia with some of the weapons, Thorgi was resting by her side.

Aphmau: " I noticed that some of your weapons are getting dull, don't you guys have a blacksmith?"

Emilia: " Kinda. We have a miner who repairs a few of our swords when he comes back from the mines. Speak of the devil, there he is."

Aphmau turned and saw a man covered with dirt with messy clothes and messy hair. Corey looked around and saw one of the blonde-haired women and called her out.

Corey: " Stephaine! Stephanie my love! I'm back and I'm covered with dirt!"

The woman who was named Stephaine turned red and turned away.

Corey: " Don't pretend you don't see me! You know you love me!"

Aphmau chuckled a bit as Corey was yelling out some flirts over to Stephaine. Emilia rolled her eyes.

Emilia: " Blah! Gross."

Aphmau: " What? I think it's sweet."

Emilia: " Love is gross. We Get It, You Two Love Each Other! Get A Room Instead Of Yelling Your Feelings Out In The Open!!"

Corey: " You Don't Understand Love!"

Aphmau covered her mouth and laughed a bit.

Emilia: " You better get your dirty Ass over here and fix some of the weapons!"

Corey: " After you insult love like that?! Nuh!"

Aphmau nearly fell off her seat and her stomach started to hurt.

Emilia: " Oh you laugh it up now, you might as well finish cleaning these weapons!"

Aphmau tried to hide her smile, but both she and Emilia chuckled a bit. Kent came out and he looked a bit excited.

Kent: " Lady Aphmau. Emilia."

Aphmau: " Oh hey Kent. Do you need something?"

Kent: " I actually came to tell you some news. We got two salesmen waiting by the ocean side. Garroth is with them right now and wants you to join them."

Aphmau: " Me? Why?"

Kent shrugged.

Kent: " Don't know, Garroth just asked me to get you."

Aphmau: " Alright, I'll go check out what they want. Come on, Thorgi."

Thorgi got up and trotted with Aphmau over to the ocean. When they got there, Aphmau saw Garroth talking to someone as his friend brought a box out of their boat.

Aphmau: " Garroth."

Garroth: " Oh, there you are, Lady Aphmau. Come over, come meet these nice gentlemen."

Aphmau came over, in front of her were two men, one with a long beard and an orange outfit, the other had a suit-like vest on.

Garroth: " Lady Aphmau, this is Paul and Visher. They came from a far away village, they came to trade some goods."

Aphmau: " Goods?"

Garroth: " Some new materials, seeds, even some meat."

Thorgi came over and sniffed some of the boxes, looking for a snack.

Aphmau: " Thorgi. Hang on, Thorgi! No! I am so sorry."

Aphmau grabbed Thorgi and pulled him away.

Visher: " *laughs* That's alright, looks like this charming fella seems interested in our merchandise."

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