Chapter 13: Down the Cellar

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When she got to the town square, Aphmau found the merchant that Ethan sent over, he had blonde hair and wore a red outfit. He was placing some crates down and pulled a few tools out of some of them. Aphmau then came over with a smile.

Aphmau: " Hi, welcome to Phoenix Drop. I'm Aphmau."

The man looked at Aphmau, he looked her up and down, he continued to place some crates down. Aphmau darted her eyes back and forth, trying to figure what to say.

The man: " So, you're the Lord here?"

Aphmau: " Umm... yeah, you can say that."

The man: " I heard rumors about your village."

Aphmau: " What kind of rumors?"

The Man: " Bandits and monsters around the village, not to mention, I heard one of your villagers got shot just hours ago."

Aphmau: " I mean, we deal with the monsters at night, and we haven't had any trouble dealing with them. And I haven't seen any bandits, and none of the guards mentioned any."

The man started to sharpen some of his tools as Aphmau tried to tell him a bit about the village.

Aphmau: " Look, I promise you, Phoenix Drop is safe, and we'll take care of anyone or thing that tries to attack the village."

The Man: " I have doubts. And I don't think I'll set shop here since one of your villagers nearly died."

Aphmau: " What? What do you mean? I was given papers to give you when I see you."

Aphmau handed the paper that Ethan left her to the man, he looked through it and didn't seem to care about it at all.

The Man: " Until I hear it from the man who was shot himself, I won't sell a thing to you or anyone."

Aphmau started to get annoyed, but decided not to lose her temper about this.

Aphmau: " Ugh. Fine, welcome to Phoenix Drop and nice to meet you."

The Man: " Wish I could say the same."

Aphmau had an annoyed smirk on her face, she shook her head and went to find Garroth. But before she could go looking for the Head Guard, Aphmau bumped into Emilia.

Emilia: " Well he seems delightful."

Aphmau: " Yeah, he seems like fun... I'm going to find Garroth and talk about the key to the cellar under the Old Lord's house. We were wanting to see what's in there, maybe it could have any information why Brendon was attacked."

Emilia: " Oh he doesn't have it."

Aphmau: " Huh?"

Emilia held out her hand while smirking, the key to the cellar of the Old Lord's house."

Aphmau: " How did you get that?"

Emilia: " Garroth handed it to me while everything went nuts last night. Come on, let's go poke around."

Aphmau followed Emilia to the old Lord's house, Aphmau could stop thinking about what happened to her friend.

Aphmau's thoughts: " What happened? Who would have done this? What had Brendon done to get shot? This got to be a misunderstanding, maybe whoever did this didn't mean to shoot him, but Zenix was with him, did they try to shoot him and Brendon walked in the way?"

Emilia: " Still thinking about what happened?"

Aphmau: " Yeah, do you blame me?"

Emilia: " Don't worry about Brendon. Some little arrow isn't going to keep him down. Well, here we are, ready to go into the depths of the Old Lord's cellar?"

Emilia chuckled, Aphmau shook her head with a small smirk. She and Emilia slowly made their way to the Cellar, unlocked the door and stepped into the dark.

Emilia: " Man it's dark down here."

Aphmau: " Wait, there's a candle over there."

Emilia and Aphmau walked over to the small light source, it was a candle on a desk and there was a journal sitting on it.

Emilia: " Yep, this is one of Malik's journals. That's his hand writing."

Aphmau picked up the book and started reading what the formal Lord of the village wrote before his passing.

The Journal: " For whoever finds this book, that means I'm gone, rather dead or missing or even rotting in a cell. My name is Malik, I was Lord of a village named Phoenix Drop, a place I grew fond of the moment we all settled in. Hell, even found love here, it holds a big meaning to my heart and I hope whoever takes the position of Lord here feels the same. This will be my final entry. I made a mistake that would cause everyone's lives and I can't have them all suffer for my mistakes and I will take the burden of being hunted. My darling wife is coming with me, she refuses to leave my side and I wasn't able to change her mind. She's a stubborn woman, but that's why I love her. So I leave this journal here for anyone to find it to know what happened to me and willing to take the responsibility of the village, but be alert, if you catch the eyes of the higher ups from O... Wait, something is going on up.."

After reading what was in the journal, there were some scribbled after the last sentence and on the desk a bit. Whatever happened while the formal Lord was writing this down, it wasn't good. Aphmau looked over at Emilia, she had a worried look and quickly turned to hide herself from Aphmau. Aphmau frowned and decided to head back.

Aphmau: " Come on, we found out what was down here. It's been a long day."

Emilia was quiet for a moment, she shook her head and went back to her usual snarky self.

Emilia: " Yeah, we might as well tell Garroth that all was down here was just Malik's writing desk and his last journal."

After Aphmau went up the stairs, Emilia looked away, knowing what Malik meant about the Higher Ups.

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