Chapter 15: Spies in the Village

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A few hours passed, Aphmau was sitting with Thorgi, she hadn't seen Garroth or Zenix since yesterday.

Aphmau: " Something doesn't seem right, Thorgi. It's not like Garroth to not come back from a Patrol, I mean, we haven't been here for long, but I know that Garroth wouldn't be gone for almost a day now."

Thorgi whimpered a bit, Aphmau brushed his fur a bit.

Aphmau: " I just hope they find the guy who hurt Brendan, or tried to hurt Zenix? I don't know. I just have so many things running in my head after what Brendan told me what Zenix did."

Thorgi looked away a bit and growled. Aphmau let out a long sigh, not knowing what to do at the moment, she wanted to help, but she didn't want Garroth to worry about her as usual since the Lord of Bright Port is still missing and the person who hurt Brendan is still out there. Thorgi perked up seeing something in the distance, he growled before barking and running after the thing that seemed to grab his attention.

Aphmau: " Thorgi? Thorgi?! Thorgi! Come back!"

Aphmau got up and ran after her dog, and that's when she saw what Thorgi was running after, surprise surprise, it was Meow.

Aphmau: " Ugh! Not Again! Thorgi!!"

After chasing Thorgi, Aphmau was able to grab his collar and pulled him back, before she could scold her dog, Aphmau heard a strange noise. It was a whooshing noise, she hovered her hand over her sword, but stopped seeing what Meow was with, another cat. It was a slightly longer fur calico cat, and didn't have a collar on like Meow when Aphmau found him.

Aphmau: " Oh, hello there. Meow, is this your little friend?"

The Calico looked at Meow and it looked like she rolled her eyes, but that's not possible, cats can't do that. Aphmau clicked her tongue but before she could get closer, someone called out to her.

The Voice: " Stay Away From Those Beans!!"

Both of the cats fluffed up, Thorgi couched a bit, growling, but calmed down seeing who the voice came from, Aphmau jumped and gasp, but calmed down seeing a woman with blonde hair and wearing a green outfit.

Aphmau: " Oh... Umm.. Hello. I didn't see you. Are these your cats..."

The Woman quickly grabbed Aphmau's arm and pulled her away, Thorgi quickly jumped out of the way. Aphmau thought she was attacking, but it turned out the Calico cat tried to attack Aphmau and the Woman pulled her away.

The Woman: " Those ARE NOT cats."

Before Aphmau could say anything, she saw something in Meow's mouth, it was the key for the cellar under the old Lord's house.

Aphmau: " Hey! That's not.."

Before Aphmau could say anything, but the cats dashed off. The woman grabbed Aphmau's arm again and pulled her with her as she ran after the two cats.

The Woman: " Come on! We can't get away if that key's important!"

Aphmau: " What?! Wait a minute!"

Aphmau didn't get any other words out of her mouth as the woman dragged her with her, Thorgi barked and ran with the two. The two cats tossed the key towards each other a few times, teasing Aphmau, the woman and Thorgi a bit.

Aphmau: " What's going on?"

The Woman: " Damn it! Hang on!"

The woman held out her hand, her finger tips glowed a bit and moved her fingers and hand a bit that caused the cats to glow a bit as well. Before they knew it, both started to run in place and started to float a bit. The woman let go and caught her breath with Aphmau and Thorgi.

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