Authors note

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Hey guys! I'm Carys Solace. Daughter of Apollo, aka 

This is my first fanfic that I've ever written so I really hope you like it! Let me know in the comments what you think! Always open to suggestions!

Few things to know before you get started reading!

-Jason is still alive

-Jason and Piper are still a couple

-I changed Will's bday to July 7

-I wrote myself into the story, so if you see things from Carys's perspective, its cause she's a character in this story, I'm not just being weird and saying its from me the author's perspective

-There are a few more characters that I created but I'm not going to say who they are now since you meet them later

-In this story Children of Athena tend to have darker hair colors 

I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it!

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