Chapter 29 - Annabeth's POV

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"Okay. That battle is going to go down in history as the Leo War!" Leo said as we were all sitting down in the lounge area in the Gods Pavilion the next day.

"What? Why?" Jason said. He had one arm around Piper and started laughing.

"Because I was the hero of that battle!" Leo said, defensively.

"I saw you running in the opposite direction!" Nya said with a smirk as she was sharpening her knife.

"No one asked you!" Leo said, turning red and accidentally lighting his nose on fire.

"Leo, your nose is on fire," Piper said and we all laughed.

"We should call it the Dark War," Calypso said.

"I like it." Will agreed.

"Yeah," Zephyr said.

"It's perfect!" I said and Percy agreed.

And thus, the Dark War went down in history. An alliance of Gods and Heroes fighting for the good of the world against an unseen evil. We went on with our lives and stayed best friends. We all went to Mount Olympus University together and stayed in the same relationships.

Carys went on to graduate with a master's degree in medicine and a bachelor's degree in animation. She was hired in Olympus's biggest entertainment business, you might have heard of them, Disney. She currently works for them part-time as a lead StoryBoard Artist and works with Will as a top doctor at the biggest healthcare system on Mount Olympus.

Zephyr graduated with a master's in business and was then recruited to play football for the Olympus team which he does to this day. Zephyr and Carys got married and they have two kids named Taylor and Ryder.

Will went on to graduate with a master's degree in medicine. He works with Carys as a top doctor at the biggest healthcare system on Mount Olympus.

Nico graduated with a business degree and is the CEO of the biggest healthcare system on Mount Olympus. Will and Nico got married and they have two kids, Bianca and Anthony.

Piper went on to graduate with a degree in Law. She now owns Olympus's biggest law firm and is one of the best lawyers on Mount Olympus.

Jason graduated with a business degree and is Piper's Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He and Piper got married and they have two sons Alex and Zach.

Calypso graduated with a masters degree in medicinal botany and works with the biggest healthcare system on Mount Olympus to combine the old magic approach with the newest tech.

Leo graduated with a degree in engineering and started a mechanic business. He and Calypso got married and they have a daughter named Maddyx.

Hazel graduated with a degree in English and a degree in business. She is the owner of a company for fine jewelry.

Frank graduated with his master's in history and is now a general in the Olympian Army. He and Hazel got married and have two daughters Emma and Brooke.

Nya graduated with a degree in business and is a general in the Olympian Army.

Araminta graduated with a degree in English and is also a general in the Olympian Army. She and Nya also got married and have an adoptive daughter named Phoenix.

Percy graduated with a degree in Marine Biology and is a teacher at Mount Olympus High.

As for me, I graduated with degrees in civil engineering and architectural design and I work for the Olympians as the chief engineer and architect. Percy and I got married and we have a daughter named Charlotte and a son named Nathan. I couldn't ask for life any better. But my friends and I will always remember the events of the Dark War.

Quick Note: Let me know in the comments if you have any better job ideas for them. I couldn't really think of good ones so I would love suggestions!

Also, let me know in the comments what you think of the kids' names. I was literally just scrolling through baby name lists so if you have any better name ideas, let me know!!

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