Epilogue - Zephyr's POV

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Just a quick note - this is a part from the sequel that I'm writing...

Hi. I'm Eros Zephyr, if you don't know me. It had been nearly 800 years since the Dark War ended. Long story short, Carys and I got married and we have two kids. Taylor, our daughter, and Ryder, our son. We had a good life on Mount Olympus. A nice house, good jobs, and an amazing family.

Taylor reminds me so much of Carys. They have the same sense of humor, nose, and stormy gray eyes. But she also has my auburn-colored hair and smile. She is always happy and stays positive and enthusiastic.

Ryder on the other hand is just like me if I had blond hair. He has my nose and blue eyes but Carys's blond hair and smile. He also has a fun sense about him and he won't let anything stop him.

It was a warm summer afternoon and Carys, Annabeth and the girls brought the kids down to Camp Half-Blood to hang out with the demigods while the guys and I were watching the baseball game at Carys and my house. Everything was great until Carys called me.

"Hey Care, what's up?" I asked into my phone.

"Zeph, Zephyr! They're gone! They took them!" Carys said frantically on the other end.

"Carys, slow down. Who's gone?" I asked nervously. I had a pretty good idea of who was gone.

"Taylor, Ryder, and all the other kids were taken! They're gone!"

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