Chapter 23 - Annabeth's POV

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Gods and warriors from all over the world were now stationed on Mount Olympus including the fallen warriors of Valhalla. "Annabeth?" A familiar male voice asked. I turned around and saw him. Magnus Chase.

"Oh my gods! Magnus! Hi um... we um... we have to talk." I said. I didn't know why, but my eyes were welling up with tears. I wiped my eyes and then brought Magnus to a quiet corner of the room. I told him everything that had happened but most importantly, about my true father, Apollo.

"Okay, so just to recap, you're a goddess, your mom is Athena but your dad is Apollo which means both of your parents are gods, you have a sister who is 971 years old, annnnnnd we aren't related," Magnus said after a few seconds of silence. I couldn't bring myself to speak so I just closed my eyes and nodded my head as tears silently slid down my cheek. Magnus wrapped his arms around me and didn't say anything as my tears stained his shirt.

When I finally composed myself as best as I could, I let go of Magnus and just looked down at the floor. "It doesn't matter if your dad is Apollo or Frederick. Annabeth, you're my cousin, and nothing, not even blood, will change that fact." Behind us, Alex Fiero, Magnus's genderfluid significant other walked toward us.

"Hey Maggie, Annabeth, what's up? Wait, Annabeth, are you crying? Who died?" Alex asked.

"Annabeth and I aren't actually related..." Magnus said at last. "But we're still family." He added.

"Wait, wait. If Maggie's uncle isn't your dad, then who is?" Alex asked me.

"Apollo. Greek god of the sun, music, poetry, prophecy, archery, and healing." I said quietly.

"Woah! You're a goddess?" Alex asked, surprised.

"Yes. I am Annabeth, goddess of architecture and thought." I tilted my chin upward and was swallowed into a golden light. My MOH uniform and armor changed into a chiton. The fabric on the top was gray, but it looked as if the gray was slowly dissolving into gold. As if I needed more proof that I am a daughter of Athena and Apollo. A golden circlet adorned my hair and my gray boots seemed as if they were turning into pure light near the heels.

"Okay, so that just happened," Alex said, breaking me out of my trance as the golden light disappeared and I collapsed. My mind turned dark and I blacked out.

"Annabeth! Wake up!" A sharp male voice said, slicing through the darkness. A bright light filled my mind and I gasped for air. I opened my eyes to find that I was surrounded by my friends.

I was desperately clinging to Percy's hand, and I was still on the ground. Will was packing up a defibrillator and looked tired from performing CPR.

"What happened?" I asked, disoriented.

"You weren't breathing, your heart stopped," Percy said.

"Annabeth, I came as soon as I could. Athena is coming, she couldn't get out of a meeting with Zeus, Odin, and Friga. Are you okay?" Apollo asked me. He took the sides of my face and started moving my head around. I had never seen Apollo that serious before. He waved his hand and a small flashlight appeared in his hand. He flashed it in both of my eyes.

"Dad, how is she?" Carys asked Apollo.

"I've never seen anything like this ever happen to an immortal. I'll have to check in with your half-brother Asclepius. Not that Will isn't doing an amazing job, but I think it might be good to get a second opinion just in case. Maybe he can come and do a second check-up on Annabeth. She looks fine right now, she's a strong goddess," Apollo replied.

"Yeah, I agree. I haven't actually performed immortal care so it would be good for Asclepius to come." Will said, hanging his golden stethoscope around his neck.

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