Chapter 9 - Annabeth's POV

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I woke up with my head on the ground and my legs still on the bed. The alarm that I had set on my phone was going off. I got up and changed out of my pajamas. Carys had told us that we got uniforms the night before, and handed us each a bundle of white fabric. I put on my uniform and looked at myself in the mirror. My uniform was a white chiton that went down to about four inches above my knee tied with a gold sash and pinned with a gold medalion that said what our name, grade, and student ID were. Carys said that we were allowed to carry weapons as long as we tried not to threaten anyone unless absolutely necessary. We were allowed to wear whatever shoes we wanted, but Carys said that most girls either wore boots, heels, or Converse high-tops. I put my hair in its usual ponytail and left my room to get to breakfast.

Calypso and Hazel were helping Athena make breakfast and Piper and Carys were sitting on the couch talking about the uniforms. "So who designed these awful things?" Piper asked.

"Actually, your mother, Aphrodite, designed them. She also planned the girls' pavilion's decor at Mount Olympus High." Carys said.

"Great. I'm going to love Mount Olympus High." Piper said sarcastically.

"Since today is a Tuesday, we only have four periods plus breaks and lunch. I will be giving you a tour around campus during periods one and two and then we have brunch then for period three we will be in room Omega. Next is going to be lunch and then we will have advanced battle strategy for period seven." Carys said.

I sat down on the couch next to Piper and asked, "What is taking the boys so long?"

"They probably don't like their uniforms very much," Carys said.

"Please tell me they will be wearing skirts," Piper said.

"No, but they're almost as bad," Carys said, "Do you mind telling the boys to hurry up? My friends are going to be here soon, and I don't want to keep them waiting."

"Sure!" Piper said getting up and running down the hallway banging on the doors to get the boys up.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Carys asked me.

"Yeah, I've been in a ton of different schools before, so the first day of school is nothing new to me," I replied.

"I think you are going to like it here. Mount Olympus High has lots of different classes to choose from and all of the teachers are really good. Mom and Dad even teach a few classes there," Carys said she looked as if she wanted to say something else but then changed her mind and said, "Oh! Look, the boys have finally left their rooms."

"Do we have to wear these?" Jason asked. The boys' uniform was a white short sleeve dress shirt with a pair of golden shorts.

"Seriously. These uniforms look horrible." Percy said.

"I don't know, I think it looks pretty good on me," Leo said looking at his reflection in the waterfall. His shirt had a couple of buttons undone at the top and wasn't tucked in.

"Leave it to Leo to think that a pair of golden shorts looked good," Frank said. "So when are we leaving for school?" He asked after we had all eaten breakfast.

"As soon as my friends get here, which should be in about two seconds," Carys said, looking out the window. The doorbell rang and Carys opened the door to greet the newcomers. "Hi, guys! Come on in! I'd like to introduce you to my brother, my sister and their friends." She said as a boy and a girl came inside.

The girl had short black hair and half of it was tied in a short ponytail. Her skin was a deep copper and she had dark brown, almost black eyes. She had two swords strapped to her sides and about ten daggers on each boot. She wore the white dress shirt with the top three buttons undone and golden leggings, but she had definitely made it her own. Her tall black boots went over her knees and she was wearing an army green jacket that looked like it came straight out of the movie Top Gun. Her hair had choppy green highlights and she wasn't wearing any makeup or jewelry besides a golden bracelet on her left wrist. She had that unnatural beauty that all gods and goddesses have even though she was scanning the room like she was going to kill something.

The boy was fair-skinned and had electric blue eyes. His hair was wavy and auburn. He had a bronze bow with a quiver full of arrows. Half of them were golden and the other half was dark black. He didn't do anything special to his uniform but for some reason, it looked really good on him compared to the other guys. His dress shirt was a little tight so you could tell that he was really muscular. He had a very simple gold necklace and a few golden bracelets on each wrist. He was probably the most handsome guy I had ever seen (don't tell Percy I said that) and looked really nice and like he was really popular. The look in Carys's eyes told me that she had a crush on this boy. It was something only a sister would be able to catch, and I'm pretty sure that he didn't know and that she was very good at hiding whatever feelings she had for him. The boy had a warm friendly smile whereas the girl was very cold and didn't seem to like people.

"Annabeth, Percy, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Will, Calypso, and Leo. This is my cousin Nya, goddess of close-up combat and Vice President of the Queer Student Association, and my best friend Eros Zephyr, god of love, a really good football player, and he's in Leadership with me." Carys said.

"You," Jason said to Eros. Jason and Nico were glaring at him hard.

"Um, what?" Eros asked. Nico and Jason took one quick glance at each other before grabbing their swords and lunging at Eros.

"OH MY GODS! JASON! STOP!" Piper yelled in her charmspeak, trying to get Jason to stop.

"NICO! STOP IT!" Will said, trying to reach his boyfriend without getting sliced.

Eros drew no weapon but dodged all of Nico and Jason's swings. Eros disarmed them both and then pinned them to the ground. "Look, I'm not the guy you think I am," Eros said.

"Really. You expect me to believe that?" Jason said, trying to throw off Eros. Jason's words sounded really weird since his face was pressed onto the ground and all.

"Ugh. Yeah, sorry about that. You met my older brother, Eros. Our mom, Aphrodite, named us the same thing even though he is about a thousand years older than me. But she gave each of us a second name so she could tell us apart. My brother is Eros Cupid. I am Eros Zephyr. Yeah, I was only like a hundred years old when my brother left to marry Psyche, so my mom gave me his job. But anyway, all of you can just call me Zephyr. Sorry to pin you guys down having just met and all." Zephyr said, helping Jason and Nico to their feet.

"Nya and Zephyr are going to help me show you guys around campus today. Zephyr will take the boys through the gods' locker room and up to the gods-only floor. Nya and I will take the girls to the goddess locker room and goddess-only floor. Okay. Everyone, the school requires us to teach you to create your own bracelet." Carys said as she held up her left wrist. A delicate golden bracelet was on her wrist as if seven golden vines were intertwining together. Zephyr and Nya held up their wrists as well. Zephyr's bracelet was more like three golden bracelets connected but still separate and very masculine while Nya's bracelet was four thick golden leather straps woven together like she had wrapped a rope around her wrist.

"Everyone, hold your left wrist out if you are right-handed, or your right wrist if you are left-handed," Zephyr instructed. Jason, Annabeth, Will, Percy, Hazel, Calypso, and Leo all held out their left arms while Piper, Nico, and Frank held out their right arms. Everyone did as they were told. Zephyr placed a tiny golden orb on everyone's wrists.

"Close your eyes. Imagine what your bracelet looks like. Feel what it will be from deep within and that's what it will be on your wrist." Nya instructed. We did as we were told and all opened our eyes. Each golden bracelet was different. Percy's was a simple golden leather band. Hazel's a single golden bangle. Piper's a traditional friendship bracelet. Mine was a golden chain with an A and a P connected to it.

"Great job everyone! We can head to school now. It's a very short walk from here. Let's get going, we have a lot to show you!" Carys said, leading us out the door.

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