Chapter 25 - Percy's POV

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"Percy! Can you hear me? Percy! Wake up!" A familiar female voice rang through my head. "Percy! We have to get out of here!"

My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was unfocused. A girl was kneeling next to me, but everything was blurred. "Annabeth? Where's Annabeth?" I managed to say.

My throat felt like it was on fire. My vision cleared up and Carys was kneeling next to me, her stormy gray eyes, alert and focused. Nico was sitting up, but he didn't look great. He looked like his left shoulder wasn't in place and it was covered in ichor. His black hair was also stuck to his forehead with ichor. Carys didn't look perfect either as there was a trickle of ichor was under her nose and her lip was also bleeding ichor. She was carefully holding her right wrist and I assumed that it was broken as it was dangling at an unnatural angle. The sky was dark with smoke and ash and all around us, the Apollo Cabin and the rest of Camp Half-Blood lay in ruins. Everything seemed to be destroyed, on fire, or both.

"Annabeth is safe. She's with Will, Apollo, and the other campers. We got separated from them during the attack. We have to go. They might try to attack again if they know we're alive." Nico said.

"We should go to Camp Jupiter. Get help from the Romans." I said.

"Camp Jupiter was hit too. So was the house of life and they even managed to take out part of Hotel Valhalla. They hit every one of our bases at the same time. Everything except Mount Olympus. Percy, come on. We have to leave." Carys said and helped me to my feet and then I realized that my left leg was broken. Ichor had stained my jeans and I couldn't walk.

"Nico, I need to reset your shoulder. It's dislocated." Carys said. "Try not to scream." She placed her hand on the front of Nico's shoulder and pushed backward. As Nico's shoulder realigned, his face was full of pain as he had to practically bite his fist to keep from screaming. She made a makeshift sling from some medical supplies in the ruined Apollo Cabin. She placed her hands on Nico's wounded shoulder and closed her eyes. A thin layer of ice formed around it and sealed his shoulder. But making the ice seemed to take its toll on Carys. She started wheezing a bit and coughed.

"Percy, you're next." Carys said. Using her good hand, Carys carefully wrapped my leg in a splint. She placed her hand on the bandages and grimaced. Very slowly, a layer of ice began to form around my leg. As soon as it had a decent thickness, she pulled her hand away, and started breathing very heavily. "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Fine. Fire... straining... powers. Too... much... ice... shield." Carys managed. I tried to summon some water to douse the fire, but all I got was a really bad cough.

"Can we shadow travel there?" I retched. Nico tried to use the darkness in the air, but he too keeled over and coughed a lot. After we had all caught our breaths, Carys helped me up. I put one arm around her neck and the other around Nico and they helped me struggle to walk to the forest which was now on fire. Instinctively, I pulled out my sword, Riptide, and we used the glowing blade to light our way. Passing by Zeus's Fist, I stumbled to get to the river.

"Percy! We can't stay here! It's not safe!" Nico said, but I didn't care. I had to get to the water. I crawled over to the riverbed and reached my hand out to touch the water. I hadn't tried this trick since I had become immortal, but I hoped that it still worked. As soon as I touched the water's surface, a surge of power coursed through me. I felt a lot better. My leg seemed to almost be fully healed.

"Carys, Nico, come here!" I said. Carys and Nico walked over and kneeled down next to me. I took hers and Nico's hands and pulled it down into the water. I had never tried to heal someone else before but for some reason, I was sure that I could. Carys let out a sigh of relief as her broken wrist realigned itself and clicked back to place while Nico was able to move his shoulder around a little. It wasn't perfect though. My leg still hurt and none of the ichor washed away.

"Come on guys, we have to go!" Carys said nervously. "They're coming! Can you walk?" I nodded. "Good. Cuz we have to run."

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