Chapter 22 - Carys's POV

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Everyone introduced themselves to Anubis and then left to go greet the other diplomats. "Hi, I'm Carys, and this is my brother's boyfriend Nico." I said.

"Nico, Carys, it's a pleasure to meet you." Anubis said, shaking our hands. "Carys, you are on the goddess volleyball team at MOH right?" Anubis asked me.

"Yeah, and you were on the football team at AEH right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, you are a snow goddess right? Daughter of Athena and Apollo?" Anubis asked.

"Yep!" I said.

"And Nico, I feel like I've met you before. Son of Hades? You were at a Death God Convention about a decade ago?"

"Yeah. I was there." Nico said, turning red.

"You know, Anubis, Honey, you and Nico look quite similar." Sadie said.

"Oh yeah. Must be a god of death thing." Anubis said, tilting his head ever so slightly that made him have a doglike quality. He looked up and for a second, it was as if his head turned into a regal black jackal.

"Did you just see that?" I whispered to Nico.

"The whole face turning into a dog thing? Yeah, I saw it." Nico whispered. "And for the record, I can't do that."

My reply was cut off by the sound of Zeus addressing the diplomats. "Welcome to Mount Olympus." Zeus boomed. "If you would all please take your seats, that would be very appreciated." After everyone had taken their seats, Zeus continued. "Thank you all for coming. Now, if it makes you more comfortable, feel free to reveal your true godly forms. We are all gods and goddesses here, so there is no harm in doing it."

For a split second, Anubis's head turned into a jackal and Sadie grew giant bat wings but they soon returned back to normal.

"Now, down to business. As you all know, we are at the beginning of a new war. Some of your lands might have already suffered from small attacks, but we have learned of a plan that would destroy all of us completely. We must unite if we are to survive. So, who will stand with me for the survival of us all?" Zeus boomed.

Anubis stood up and grew to ten times his size. His head turned into the head of a jackal and he held in his palm the feather of truth. "I Anubis, God of Death and Representative of the Egyptian Pantheon, hereby stand with Lord Zeus for the good of humanity." He said. Anubis sat back down and returned to normal.

Odin stood up and grew as well. "I All Father Odin of the Norse Gods, stand with Lord Zeus." Amitabha, the Jade Emperor Yudi, Kukulkán, Shiva and Vishnu, and Amaterasu all followed and pledged their allegiance to Zeus.

The days to follow were full of war preparations. Mount Olympus was to be set as our headquarters with bases at every major religious site in the world. The decoy headquarters was Asgard, and the hospital base was set underneath the great Pyramids of Giza with the Great Sphinx as a guard.

We had prepared for every possible form of attack and we were ready to defend our home at a moment's notice. At least, that's what we hoped. 

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