Chapter 17 - Percy's POV (7 years later)

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"Ughhhhh. I swear I'm going to kill my mom if she sends any more dresses for me to try on for homecoming." Piper complained. We had just returned home from a long day of school. It had been more than seven years since we became immortal and began our life on Mount Olympus.

"I don't know. She's done worse. You should see her before the Oscars. She makes me go with her as her personal assistant sometimes." Zephyr said with a sigh. "At least Mom still knows you exist. Today she literally asked me what my name was. She was just ordering me around saying, 'boy' or 'you there.'"

"Our amazing mother, ladies, and gentlemen," Piper said.

"My dad's not much better. Today he put one hand on my shoulder like he was telling me my dog had died and called me 'Champ.'" Frank said.

"Seriously? At least Dad doesn't do that for me. How's Dad to you Zeffie?" Araminta asked Zephyr.

"He's better than Mom. He knows my name." Zephyr said and we all started laughing.

"Oh my gods," Annabeth said. Her jaw dropped as she read a text on her phone.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Do you remember Sadie Kane?" Annabeth asked me.

"The little blond British girl?" I asked.

"Yeah. Well, Sadie got married!" Annabeth said.

Quick note: Don't blame me, I love Walt, but in this story, he doesn't end up hosting Anubis, and Walt's not a love interest for Sadie

"Wait what? How old is she?" I asked, remembering her when she was only 14 and almost falling out of my seat.

"Apparently she just turned 21 a few months ago," Annabeth said.

"Wow. I feel old." I said.

"You get used to it," Carys said.

"Who did she marry?" Piper asked.

"Um, it says here, Anubis? Some Egyptian god I guess." Annabeth said.

"Anubis? I think I met him a long time ago at a death god convention." Nico said.

"You went to a death god convention?" Will asked, surprised.

"Maybe?" Nico said.

"I still can't believe Sadie married Anubis!" I said.

"Classic Anubis," Zephyr said, laughing.

"Only Anubis would pick a mortal to marry," Nya grumbled. We all stared at her. "No offense."

"You know Anubis?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's like 4,000 years older than us though. He was on the Egyptian football team I think. I have met him a few times. He's kinda cute in that weird god of death way." Carys said she was already relaxed on the couch even though we had just got home. It was really subtle but Zephyr's face clenched up for a second when Carys said that Anubis was cute. I don't know why that was. Zephyr already had a girlfriend.

"He actually looks a lot like Nico." Nya said.

"Oh yeah. I see that cute in a weird god of death way vibe from Nico too!" Will said, ruffling Nico's hair.

"Hey!" Nico protested, turning red.

"Is he going to turn Sadie immortal?" Zephyr asked, changing the subject.

"I would assume so, does turning people immortal work the same way for the Egyptians as it does for the Greeks?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know. They haven't made anyone immortal for about a few thousand years." Carys admitted. "Anyway, did you see Melissa this morning? She literally walked into an open locker in the Goddess Pavillion. I was at my locker when she backed up after giggling about something her boyfriend said and she walked into Cynthia's open locker! It was the funniest thing I have ever seen."

We all started laughing, and then Zephyr's phone rang. His smile faded as he answered it. "Hey, Gemma. What's up? Yes, I'm still at Carys' house. I've only been here for fifteen minutes. Yes, I know you don't like her. Well, I like her! As a friend. No, I'm not breaking up with you. Carys is my best friend. And so is Nya. Yes, I know you hate Nya. Are you crying? Gemma. For the last time, I am not breaking up with you. Fine, I'll meet you at the Agora in fifteen minutes. Bye. Yeah, whatever." Zephyr said into his phone.

"Come on Zephyr. That phone call should have been all the proof you need to break up with that evil goddess." Nya said.

"I have to go," Zephyr said. He started to grab his backpack.

"Zeph, please don't go. You deserve so much better than Gemma. I mean, she literally hates your friends and wants you to go to the Agora just to comfort her for saying that you were at my house for less than fifteen minutes!" Carys said.

"Okay, okay," Zephyr said reluctantly. "Only for you, Care." He smiled and pulled out his phone and quickly called Gemma. "Hi Gemma, sorry, something came up. I can't go to the Agora with you today. Bye." Zephyr said. He quickly hung up the phone so that Gemma couldn't start yelling at him. We just sat in silence for a few seconds before Leo interrupted.

"Oooookay, so back to Homecoming, I still can't believe that MOH has a football team and they didn't want ME to join!" Leo said, dramatically.

"It's because you're so scrawny," Calypso said.

"Wow. Thanks, Callie," Leo replied.

"I'm allowed to say that. I'm your girlfriend." Calypso said. "And besides, they probably wanted someone with better powers than starting fires all over the field. Especially since you almost melted the ball last time we played."

"That was only after Nya tackled me," Leo complained.

"It's football. You're supposed to tackle people. It's basically the entire game!" Nya said, her arms crossed.

"And then Nico had to go and scare the McShizzle out of me when he summoned ten zombies to tackle me to get the ball." Leo said.

"Like Nya said. It's basically the entire game to tackle people! And its not my fault that Immortal football uses powers! Don't hate the player, hate the game." Nico said.

"That's why Nico's the best." Nya said, highfiving him.

"I still can't get over the fact that Will shot a sunburst at me to get the football. You literally blinded me for days!" Jason said.

"You were fine. Just temporary blindness. It's not like I blasted you out of the sky unlike Percy!" Will said.

"Not my fault! I was just trying to get the ball away from superman over here!" Percy said, jabbing a thumb at Jason.

"I'm still surprised Jason caught the ball after Zephyr nearly threw it over the fence," Carys said.

"Hey, it's not my fault that I'm the best tight end on the football team," Zephyr said with a smile.

"Yeah, sure. No offense, but I've seen better." Carys said, laughing.

"Who?" Zephyr asked.

"Walter," Carys replied.

"Walter. The guy who just sits in the hallway pouring maple syrup on a pile of waffles Walter?" Zephyr asked.

"That's the one!" Carys exclaimed jumping up and we all started laughing.

We just sat in the living room talking for an hour before Nya and Zephyr had to leave. Zephyr lives just next door and Nya lives a few houses away so they just walked home. 

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