Chapter 5 - Percy's POV

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Quick note: Just pretend that a Chevy Suburban can fit everyone... I didn't have enough energy to think of a better car lol

I didn't think anything could get any weirder until Apollo showed up. I was expecting him to look like a seventeen-year-old kid driving a bright red Maserati like last time. But instead of a Maserati, a black Chevy Suburban showed up. That did not seem like Apollo's style. Still, Apollo was the one driving the car, but he looked different too. Instead of a teenager, Apollo looked like he was in his late twenties. When he got out of the car, it was clear that Carys was his daughter. I can't believe that I didn't see it before. She was a natural at things Apollo and Athena were the gods of.

"Hi Dad," Carys said, hugging Apollo, "Thanks for picking us up."

"Of course! I hate to take the sun chariot out of sport mode, but Attie told me that there would be nine of you, so I changed the car to a Suburban so everyone can fit. Frank, Jason, help me start loading the bags into the trunk." Apollo said.

"Yes, Lord Apollo." Jason and Frank both said timidly.

"Dad?" Will asked, surprised.

"Will! So good to see you, my boy!" Apollo said, hugging a startled Will.

"Wait, but if Apollo and Athena are both your parents, wouldn't that make you immortal?" Calypso said to Carys.

"Yeah, I'm immortal," Carys said. She tilted her head and extended her palms upward. Her gray eyes turned a solid ice blue and began glowing. A thick fog encased her as she began glowing. There was a bright flash then the fog cleared. Her skin looked like it was covered in frost and her eyes were still that glowing icy blue. Snowflakes adorned her hair which now had ice blue tips, and frosty ice swirled up her arm with snowflake designs. Carys had changed from her t-shirt and leggings to a more traditional frosty blue Greek-style chiton. Her chiton went down to about the middle of her thigh and it was cut out in the middle like the cropped shirt she was wearing earlier. Her sunglasses still rested on top of her head and she had her tall gray knee-length boots on. "I am Carys. Goddess of ice and snow. Daughter of Athena and Apollo. I apologize for my deception, but I had to get you to look at me as an equal and not as a goddess." She said, her voice radiating power.

"Wait, no offense Lady Carys but I thought that Khione was the only snow goddess," Leo said, confused.

The fog had returned and swallowed up Carys, her chiton had returned to a sea green and gold cropped shirt and blue leggings. "Please don't use titles, they make me feel old, um, no offense Dad. Just call me Carys. I'm only 957 years old. I was born after the fall of Greece and Rome had already converted to Catholicism. By your standards, I am equivalent to being 15 and a half, closer to 16. Anyway, Zeus didn't like Khione very much so when I was born he gave me the job of being another snow goddess. Okay. We have to get going before they know you are here."

"Wait. Before who knows we are here?" Annabeth asked.

"No time! Just get everything in the car! I call shotgun!" Carys replied, grabbing two bags and chucking them into the trunk. As soon as all the bags were loaded we all got into the car. Apollo was driving, Carys was in the front passenger seat, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel squeezed into the next row, then Jason, Leo, and Calypso in the row after that, with Frank and I in the next row and Will and Nico in the very back.

"Everyone in?" Apollo asked. We all nodded and then the car started moving. It flew into the sky and we were on our way to Mount Olympus.

"Do you guys mind if I play some music?" Carys asked as she turned on the radio. At first, I thought the song playing was Hey There Delilah, but when I listened closer the man was singing Hey There Athena.

"Ugh. Dad, do we always have to listen to your music? Why can't we hear the Nine Muses or Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran or something else?" Carys complained to Apollo.

"Wait. Lord Apollo, you wrote this?" Frank asked. To be honest, I have always been skeptical about Apollo's music after I heard a really awful poem he recited once, but after hearing that song, I have to admit that Apollo really is good with music.

"Yep. When Athena and I first got married."

"What? Lord Apollo, you married my mom?" Annabeth asked, surprised.

"Hold up. You mean to tell me that Athena is my step-mom?" Will asked, really confused.

"Uh huh, About a thousand years ago we had a big family picnic in Greece. Some of the other gods and I were having an archery contest. We were all trying out each other's arrows and I accidentally pricked my finger on one of Eros's love arrows and I instantly fell in love with Athena. Phobos and Deimos were very young and they were fighting over a crossbow that was already loaded with a love arrow when one of them pulled the trigger. It hit Athena and when she turned around to see who shot the arrow, I was the first person she saw. Anyway, about a hundred years later we both woke up one day and were freaked out that we had somehow ended up married to each other and Attie was pregnant with Carys. We both knew how it felt like to grow up with no parents so we decided to stay married and raise Carys together. You ten are the first mortals to ever know about us and I trust that you aren't going to tell anybody. Right?" Apollo said.

"Yes, Lord Apollo." We all said. While Apollo was telling us this story, it seemed like Carys wasn't doing much besides flipping through stations on the radio and looking at her phone for good songs. Finally, she settled on a song by the Jonas Brothers but immediately got distracted by the view in front of the car.

"Oh my gods! Look, guys! We are coming up on Mount Olympus now!" Carys exclaimed. 

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