Chapter 7 - Annabeth's POV

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"Everyone, join hands," Carys instructed. We made a big circle and joined hands. I stood next to Carys and grabbed her hand. "Is everyone ready?" She asked. We all nodded. "Okay. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Relax, this shouldn't hurt." Carys said. We all closed our eyes and then we began to lift off the floor. As we were hovering in the air, I could feel a newfound power. I felt stronger than I ever had before. Ichor, the blood of the gods, coursed through my veins. I opened my eyes and all around me, my friends were finding their strength. "You can open your eyes now. Everyone still doing okay?" Carys asked. We all nodded as we started to descend toward the ground.

"Kneel," Zeus said. We all knelt in front of his throne. "Rise, Jason, Perseus, Hazel, Annabeth, Frank, Piper, Leonidas, Calypso, William, and Niccolo. Gods and Goddesses of Olympus." As Zeus called each of our names, we each stood up one at a time. We had done it. We were immortal.

"Try and test your power. Show your true godly form." Carys told us. I closed my eyes and tried to pull as much power as I could and channel it to show my true godly form. I opened my eyes and found that I was glowing. All my friends were also showing their true godly forms. "Yay! Great job everyone! Lord Zeus, is it okay if I show the godlings around Mount Olympus?"

"Yes, Carys. Show them around the Agora then take them back to your house." Zeus said.

"Thank you, Lord Zeus. Guys, follow me." Carys instructed. We followed her out of the throne room and got our first good look at Mount Olympus. I have been to Mount Olympus a bunch of times before, but I had never known what it was like from the perspective of a god. Now I do. Mount Olympus is amazing. I had designed many of the buildings after the Second Titan War, but I had never seen what they had done to decorate them. Carys showed us to an outdoor mall with many colorful shops. "This is the Agora. You can buy just about anything here, including clothes, shoes, makeup, hair products, food, weapons, armor, and more! And the best-frozen yogurt in the universe is here too at a place called Yogurt Shack but everyone at Mount Olympus High just calls it 'Shack'." We walked around the Agora for a little bit and I saw hundreds of minor gods and goddesses walking around shopping and hanging out with their friends. "Okay, everyone ready to head to my house?" Carys asked. We all nodded and got back in Apollo's car.

We drove up the hill and turned into a little neighborhood. Two rows of houses, or should I say mansions, lined the street. One property had a giant tree with a house near the top of the branches. Another was covered in crops. Near the end of the road, we saw the most beautiful mansion out of them all. Next door was another giant house that was entirely pink with roses everywhere. We stopped at the end of the street in front of the mansion. Everyone got out and grabbed our bags. We walked up to the front door, and before we could even knock, it opened. Standing in the doorway was a beautiful woman. She had long dark wavy hair and stormy gray eyes. She was wearing jeans and a gray T-shirt with a red flannel. She had a spear strapped to her back and was wearing a pair of tall brown boots. She was smiling but her eyes told a different story. It was as if she could look into each of our souls.

"Mother?" I asked timidly.

"Annabeth! I am so glad you are finally home!" Athena said, hugging me. I was so surprised that she was happy to see me. My relationship with my mother has been rough these past few months. She had sent me on a quest to avenge her but still said that I had failed her as a daughter. I couldn't believe this was happening. That she cared about me. I felt so good that any reservations I had about Carys lying to me, practically disappeared. "Come inside, all of you, it's getting late," Athena said.

"Hi, Mom," Carys said to Athena.

"Carys, good job on completing your mission. I'm so proud of you!" Athena said to Carys after hugging her.

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