Chapter 16 - Percy's POV

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"Okay everyone! Welcome to day 2 of Immortal Training!" Carys said, and we all clapped and cheered.

"So today, you're going to get in touch with some of your specific powers and learn to harness them. And by the end of today's class, you'll be ready to take a crack at the simulator." Zephyr said.

"You will be broken up into different teams based on your powers. Elemental and Emotional." Nya said. "Carys will handle Elemental and Zephyr will take Emotional. I will be checking in on both teams periodically."

"Will, Nico, Percy, Hazel, Jason, and Leo, you are with me in Elemental." Carys said.

"Annabeth, Piper, Frank, and Calypso, you are with me in Emotional." Zephyr said.

We all broke up into our individual groups. The elemental group and I followed Carys over to a secluded garden near the back of room Omega. "Okay everyone, take a seat." We all sat in a circle under one of the willow trees. "I've seen all of you use your powers before. And you have pretty much mastered your skills, right?" We all nodded. "Well what if I told you that you're only scratching the surface. We're going to go around and say what you can do with your powers. Percy, we'll start with you."

"Um, my powers are creating hurricanes, breathing underwater, controlling water, and talking to horses and sea creatures I guess." I said.

"Nice! Jason, you're next and then we'll keep going around the circle." Carys said.

"I can create storms, summon lightning, and control winds so I can fly and stuff." Jason said.

"My powers are creating and controlling fire, immunity to fire, and having a great sense of humor." Leo said.

"I can sense, summon, and manipulate precious metals." Hazel said.

"I can summon and command the dead, shadow travel, control bones and shadows, and manipulate the dead." Nico said.

"And I can heal people and I...glow in the dark." Will said, turning red.

"Very nice! All great powers, but all you've done is turn the handle. It's time to really open the door." Carys smiled. "Are you ready for it?"

"Oh gods. She just made a Taylor Swift reference. She means business." Will said, laughing.

"You know I do!" Carys said with a wink. "Everyone, stand up. It's time to do a little thinking. Pretend you're a well established deity. You've been around Mount Olympus for a while now, and surprise! You have a demigod child who made it to Camp Half-blood or Camp Jupiter. It's about time you claim them." By this point, Carys was walking around the circle, looking at someone every time she started a new sentence. She looked at me. "You need to present a glowing symbol of your power over this child's head to prove to everyone about your excellency and show who their godly parent is. What are you going to do?" Carys stamped her foot on the ground and blasts of ice shot out towards each of us, swirling up, manifesting into small snow figures. The snow beings all grew features and looked almost human in their Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-blood t-shirts. If you just looked at them, they looked like 12 year old demigods.

"Oh my gods. They all look like us!" Hazel gasped. She was right.

Jason's snow figure looked like a young girl who had his blond hair, blue eyes and even wore glasses like him. Leo's snow figure also looked like a young girl with his features. Nico's was a young boy that looked eerily similar to how he looked when he was ten, smiling and ecstatic. Will's figure was a young girl who could have passed for a young version of Annabeth or Carys but with Will's blue eyes. Hazel's was a young boy with her curly dark brown hair and her golden brown eyes.

And my snow figure, looking at him made me catch my breath. He was a young boy with my dark hair and greenish gray eyes. He made me think. If Annabeth and I ever had a son, I think he would look a lot like this kid. I hadn't thought about kids or a future family with Annabeth since we last saw Sadie Kane. She reminded me a lot of what Annabeth and my would-be-daughter might be like.

Carys waved her hand over the blank ground in front of her. A flurry of snow fell and manifested into another snow figure. The little girl had Carys's blond hair and her gray eyes and kind of looked like how Annabeth was at that age. Makes sense since their sisters.

"How many of you remember when you were claimed?" Carys asked. We all raised our hands. "Did it look something like this?"

Carys snapped her fingers and a glowing symbol appeared above her head. A sun with an owl in front of it that was holding an arrow and a spear in its talons. "Wanna know how to make one of these?" We all nodded eagerly. "For deities with powers over elemental things, it's a bit easier to manipulate. I'll show you how I do mine first, then I'll teach all of you." Carys said, raising her hand towards the ceiling. A ball of icy blue light appeared. She grabbed it, and moved her hands back down. She opened her hand and raised her other hand over the ball of light. It hovered, swirling around her hands. She quickly pushed outwards and the light moved around our little circle a few times before stopping to rest above her snow figures head. Carys snapped her fingers and the light changed into a snowflake that turned around a few times before burning brighter and disappearing.

"Woah!!!!!!" Leo said. "How did you do that?"

"Just a little light manipulation. Will, this next part might be a little bit easier for you." Carys said. "Okay everyone. Raise your right arm." We all put our arms up. "Close your eyes. To manipulate light, you first have to embrace the darkness. Deep breath in, do you feel the tugging in the pit of your stomach? Deep breath out, open your eyes and GRAB IT!" We all opened our eyes and used our left hands as if we were pulling on a piece of rope. Eventually, the lights appeared. Everyone's light was a different color. Jason's light was a regal purple. Hazel's was a dark gray. Leo's was a blazing orange. Nico's was a deep black. Will's was a brilliant gold. And mine was a classic sea green. "Great job! Now, hold the light in the left palm of your hand and push it toward your snow figures." Carys said and we all did as we were told. "Aaaand snap your fingers to seal the deal."

We all snapped our fingers and suddenly the lights burned brighter.

"Woah." Leo breathed as the symbols took form. His orange light had turned into a wrench on fire. Jason's light turned into a mini storm complete with lightning. Hazel's light turned into a glittering gem. Nico's light turned into a shadowy skull. Will's light turned into a sun with a running heart rhythm monitor. And my light turned into a crashing wave. They all spun in place a few times before dissipating into oblivion.

"And that's how it's done." Carys said. "Congrats guys! You're one step closer to mastering your godly abilities."

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