Chapter 3 - Annabeth's POV

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I don't know what Percy is thinking. Carys is one of the sweetest people I know! How could she be hiding something? From the moment I met her, I knew that she was a daughter of Athena. She went to my former high school in Manhattan. We had bonded over studying for our finals. She definitely looked like a daughter of Athena. She had the same fierce gray eyes that we all have and she was super smart and a natural leader. She didn't have dyslexia or ADHD like most demigods tend to have, but I still knew that she wasn't mortal. She had amazing reflexes that only a demigod would have and she strategized as well as any child of Athena could have. After the school year was over, I decided to take her to Camp Half-Blood. If she was a mortal or a monster she wouldn't be able to pass through the barrier. When I brought her to Camp, she passed through the barrier like it wasn't even there, so I knew she was one of us.

When I brought her to see Chiron, Carys was so surprised that he was half-man and half-horse and she couldn't believe that Mr. D was actually the god of wine. But still, Chiron and Mr. D acted differently around her than the other campers. Mr. D never got her name wrong and Chiron sometimes acted skittish when she was around and he sometimes messed up and called her "Lady Carys." I don't know why though. Carys seemed to be a model camper and we soon found out that she was very gifted. She was the best singer at camp. When she sang, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and listened. She could play any instrument that was put in front of her. She was also a natural archer. It was as if she had used a bow and arrow since she was born. She even beat the entire Apollo cabin and Hunters of Artemis using a winning shot that split an arrow on the target while doing a one-armed handstand during an archery competition. We also discovered her ability to heal. Whenever she sang and touched anyone that was wounded, the wound would magically start to seal itself up until it was just a little cut. It was strange for a daughter of Athena to be that good at things that children of Apollo were known to do. From the pictures she had shown me, her dad also kind of looked like Apollo with his wavy blond hair, electric blue eyes, and award winning smile. Who knows, maybe her father was a son of Apollo or something.

Still, I believe that Carys is a good person. She wouldn't be hiding anything that could hurt people. As we went around to the cabins, we started to see our friends. Piper was sitting on the porch of the Aphrodite cabin, reading a book while some of her sisters were gossiping and braiding each other's hair. After Piper and Carys got acquainted, we went to the Pegasus Stables to get Hazel, and finally, the strawberry fields to find Calypso. When the five of us got back to the central hearth, of course, Percy, Jason, Leo, Nico, Will, and Frank weren't there yet. They showed up three minutes later.

"Okay. Now that everyone is here... I am Carys, daughter of Athena. You eight have been requested to go to Mount Olympus. I know that you all might seem confused, but my mother sent me on this mission. She sent me here to bring all of you to Mount Olympus. You probably all have a lot of questions, but we don't have much time. Gather all of your things and get some sleep. We will meet here by the central hearth before sunrise. As soon as the sun comes, my dad will be here to pick us up. Sorry, I can't explain more but everyone is in danger, and the fewer details you all know the better. The more you know, the more you will attract them." Carys said, looking at everyone.

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