Chapter 12 - Percy's POV

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The class period was just about over by the time we learned what our powers were and every god and goddess in the school was heading to the cafeteria for lunch. I couldn't wait! The French toast from this morning's brunch was so good, I was so excited to see what they were serving. My friends and I found a table in the back near the atrium so we brought our food and sat down. Today for lunch it was Taco Tuesday so I loaded up my plate with taco shells, meat, and cheese. It had a delicious ambrosia sauce and I got a glass of nectar-infused lemonade to go with it. After lunch was over, it was time for everyone to return to class.

We all headed to our first real class together in the Gods Pavilion. We found out that Annabeth and Carys's mother Athena would be our Battle Strategy Teacher. Annabeth looked a little scared that her mother would be her teacher but it looked like she felt a little better after she found out that her mother was really happy to see her in her class. The class was pretty fun, we just got to play with little plastic soldier toys and move them around a map. The class felt really short for an hour and a half but we were all excited to go to the Agora after school. Carys's friends Nya and Zephyr walked with us there.

I don't know why Jason and Nico don't like Zephyr that much. He seems like a really great guy to me. He felt very genuine when I met him, unlike some other gods that I have met, (I'm looking at you Mike god of Men's Water Polo players) he was really nice and patient when he showed us around the school. I can see why Carys is friends with him. They're a lot alike.

Nya on the other hand is a completely different story. She hates most people and is always really on edge. The only time she relaxes and lets her guard down is when she is with her girlfriend Araminta, goddess of ballistics. Even then she still looks like she is on the lookout for some greater threat that would disrupt her happiness or something like that.

We went shopping for a little bit to get clothes to fit in more with the other gods. All of my friends only had Camp Half-Blood shirts and jeans that we brought with us since we had to leave camp so soon, so it was nice to get more clothes that were more our style.

After we had gotten a lot of new stuff, we found a table in the shade and got frozen yogurt. Mount Olympus was so peaceful and relaxing, I couldn't believe that I lived here and that I didn't have to worry about anything! After we ate our yogurt, we headed back home to chill for a couple of hours before dinner. We all went back to our rooms and just relaxed.

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