Chapter 11 - Annabeth's POV

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We soon split up into two groups. The boys went with Zephyr and us girls went with Nya and Carys. Carys brought us into the Goddess pavilion. On the first floor were rooms Gamma and Delta and on the upper floor were classes Alpha and Beta. "Room Alpha is for Goddess Self Defense Class. Beta is for Goddess Health and PE Class. Gamma is for Beginner and Advanced Enchanting Classes and Room Delta is for Beginner and Advanced Potion Making. Now, let's take a look at the locker room." Carys said leading the group over to a set of doors with a sign that said: "Goddess Locker Room. NO GODS ALLOWED."

The rest of the tour went by uneventfully, occasionally Nya or Carys pointed out a random person in the halls and said something like, "That's Walter the god of Waffles!" or "Watch out, over there is Melissa the Mean Girls Goddess." But mostly it was Carys saying the name of classrooms and pointing to different signs. Eventually, we ended up at the cafeteria. An ethereal chime rang through the school signaling the end of the second period. Big swarms of gods and goddesses rushed through the hallways to get in line at the cafeteria. Brunch only lasted fifteen minutes, but the food at the cafeteria was worth the wait. There were delicious pancakes with ambrosia syrup, scrumptious bagels with ambrosia cream cheese, and delightful nectar, strawberry, and banana smoothies. After the chime rang again, signaling the end of brunch, the gods and goddesses filed out of the cafeteria and back to their classes.

My friends and I made it to Room Omega just before the chimes rang, signaling the start of period 3. It turns out that Room Omega was like a big gym if a gym had a rock climbing wall, a rushing river, a big ravine, an archery range, and a small sparring area all built into one room. Carys, Zephyr, and Nya gathered us all up near the rock climbing wall.

"Welcome to your first day of immortal training!" Carys said happily, "Each of you has different powers and today, we are going to help each one of you discover and harness your unique power. For some of you, your powers come from your godly parents, like Zephyr. Others, come from your personalities, hobbies, or other aspects of yourself, like Nya. Now, let's find out just what your powers are."

"Close your eyes. Look deep into yourselves. Think about your personality, your likes, and dislikes, your past and your hopes for the future. Do you have that in your mind?" Nya asked. We all nodded.

"For the first of your three challenges, reach out with your consciousness and think of the easiest way to get yourself, plus this bucket of water up the wall to dump it into another bucket at the top without spilling a single drop," Zephyr said.

"You will go one at a time. Using whatever means necessary, whether it be using elemental powers to lift the water or conjuring up objects and using your intellect to scale the wall, get the bucket up to the top without spilling any of the water. Annabeth. You're up first. If everyone doesn't mind waiting outside while each one of you does the test that would be great." Carys said.

Percy, Will, Nico, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Frank, and Hazel filed out of the room leaving Nya, Carys, Zephyr, and me still in Room Omega.

"You may begin," Nya said. I looked around the room for different things I could use to get up the wall with the bucket of water. I unzipped my backpack and took out my laptop. Drawing up designs on my laptop, I decided on what items I would use to scale the wall. I closed my eyes and drew power from within focusing on what I needed to reach the top. I used shrink wrap to cover the bucket and tied it to my back. I conjured up a few ladders and climbed up the wall.

"For challenge number two, you will design a way for this 800-pound chariot and four-horse team to get across the river. You may begin now." Carys said. On my laptop, I drew up designs for a beautiful suspension bridge that would be able to carry a lot of weight. I conjured up some metal and cables to make my bridge and started building. The bridge turned out to be functional and beautiful at the same time.

"For your final challenge, it is a test of strength. Using whatever comes to your mind first, destroy all the snowmen." Nya said.

"Snowmen?" I asked. Carys closed her eyes and extended out her hands. Fifty snowmen had risen from the ground. I closed my eyes and felt all my power surging within me. I rose off the ground and began floating. I had shown my true godly form. Immediately, the snowmen melted away and I was hovering in midair.

"Congratulations Annabeth, you have completed the challenges," Nya said. She seemed kind of annoyed when she told me that so I wasn't sure if she meant it or not until I saw Carys smiling and looking excited. I waited outside while everyone finished the challenges and then Zephyr summoned us back in.

"Great job everyone, you have completed the challenges and we have discovered what your powers are. Are you ready to find out?" Zephyr asked.

"Annabeth. Daughter of Athena and uh... nevermind, well, you are now Annabeth, goddess of thought and architecture." Carys said, "Percy. Son of Poseidon. You are now Percy, god of water and the sea."

"Piper. Daughter of Aphrodite. You are now Piper, goddess of speaking and emotion." Zephyr said, "Jason. Son of Jupiter. You are now Jason god of the sky.

"Hazel. Daughter of Pluto. You are now Hazel, goddess of precious stones." Nya said. "Frank. Son of Mars. You are now Frank, god of battle leadership."

"Will. Son of Apollo. You are now Will, god of light and healing." Carys said, "Nico. Son of Hades. You are now Nico, god of the afterlife."

"Calypso. Daughter of Atlas. You are now Calypso, goddess of mental health and sea therapy." Zephyr said, "and Leo. Son of Hephaestus. You are now Leo, god of fire and inventing."

"Congratulations on learning your powers! Gods and goddesses of Olympus!" Carys exclaimed. I tried to be happy, but I couldn't stop thinking about the way Carys hesitated after saying I was a daughter of Athena.

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