Chapter 21 - Percy's POV

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We had just gotten back from school when the golden envelope arrived. Apollo and Athena did not look happy to see it.

"Kids, it's time you knew just how bad this situation really is." Athena said. We all exchanged nervous looks as she continued. "Every god on Mount Olympus is needed to fight in this war. Alongside the Norse gods and warriors of Valhalla, the Egyptian gods and the magicians, the demigods of Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, and different gods and goddesses across various religions around the world."

"'All students at Mount Olympus High and Mount Olympus University will cease to continue their classes and be fully initiated into standard military training. Students at Mount Olympus Elementary will participate in standard self defense training. Classes for students will cease until further notice.'" Carys read.

It's official. We are at war.

When we went to school on Tuesday morning, when we sat down in Advanced Combat Training for first period, we learned how to use our immortal powers to conjure our own armor. We were to wear them all the time. During second and third period, we were assigned to an Olympian as our commanding officer. Thankfully, Carys, Will, and Annabeth's dad, Apollo, was our commanding officer. Carys and Annabeth's mom, Athena, was on the lead battle strategy team and wasn't leading any troops.

"Listen up everyone! We have been assigned to guard New York and Mount Olympus. Now. Annabeth, Carys, Percy, Zephyr, Jason, Piper, Frank, Leo, Hazel, Calypso, Nya, and Araminta. Meet me in my office in five minutes." Apollo said. We followed him into the command building and all walked into the battle strategy room.

"Dad, what's up?" Will asked when we all got there.

"Representatives from all of our allies have arrived on Mount Olympus. Lord Zeus wanted our best soldiers to be assigned to guard the throne room." Apollo said.

"And you chose us?" Piper asked.

"That is correct. You fourteen are the best we've got." Athena said, walking up from behind. "Put on your armor, grab your weapons and follow us to the throne room." We followed Athena and Apollo all the way to the throne room.

"Lord Zeus. We have brought them as requested." Apollo announced.

"Thank you. Children, you will be stationed around the throne room. If the diplomats have any questions, be nice and friendly and try to answer them." Zeus said.

Hermes flew in from outside. "Lord Zeus, All Father Odin of the Norse, Anubis and Sadie of Egypt, Amitabha the light Buddha, the Jade Emperor Yudi of China, Kukulkán of the Mayans, Shiva and Vishnu of India, and Amaterasu of China have arrived and are making their way to the throne room as we speak.

"Thank you Hermes. Percy, Zephyr, you have been assigned to protect Odin. Carys, Nico, you shall protect Anubis and Sadie. Piper, Annabeth you will protect Amitabha. Leo, Frank, you have been assigned to Yudi. Calypso, Hazel, you will protect Kukulkán. Nyah and Araminta you shall protect Shiva and Vishnu. And Will and Jason, you have been assigned to Amaterasu. Now, please greet the diplomats as they walk in and be friendly. Hephaestus built unique thrones for each diplomat based on their powers, weapons, and cultures. Show them each to their throne and make small talk. I have a quick meeting before I meet with the diplomats. The Olympians will be here if you run out of things to talk about." With that, Zeus left the throne room without another word. Apollo and Athena followed him out and left us alone in the throne room.

"Well that just happened." Leo said, breaking the silence.

"Have you met these diplomats before?" I asked Carys, Nyah, Zephyr, and Araminta.

Carys shook her head. "We know some of their kids, their different schools play us in various sports, but not the parents. I mean, they're all famous!"

"You do get that our parents are famous too, right?" Will pointed out.

"Percy! Annabeth! Is that you?" A British female voice said. We turned and saw a woman in her early twenties running toward us. She had blonde hair with dark blue highlights, blue eyes, and looked kind of familiar. The woman was dressed like an Egyptian goddess, but she had on black combat boots instead of sandals.

"Oh my gods! Sadie!" Annabeth said, hugging Sadie. "I heard about your wedding! Congratulations! How did it happen?" Annabeth took Sadie's left hand and admired the beautiful engagement ring and wedding band.

"Thank you so much! I just graduated college and I was visiting New Orleans, when Anubis showed up and proposed. We had been dating for years and he finally got approval from the other Egyptian gods to make me immortal and get married." Sadie said. "So how have you guys been?"

"Well, the ten of us became immortal, Annabeth found out her dad is Apollo, we are going to high school here on Mount Olympus, and we just found out about the war yesterday. So we're just great!" I said.

"So, where is Anubis?" Annabeth said, changing the subject.

"Oh, he should be along soon. I'm so happy to see you guys! So, who are your friends?" Sadie asked.

"This is Jason and his girlfriend Piper, Frank and his girlfriend Hazel, Calypso and her boyfriend Leo, Will and his boyfriend Nico, Annabeth's sister Carys and her boyfriend Zephyr, and Nyah and her girlfriend Araminta." I said. Everyone waved as I introduced them.

A man in his early twenties walked up to Sadie. He kind of looked like an older version of Nico. He had black hair and warm brown eyes. Like a traditional Egyptian god, he was wearing a traditional Egyptian skirt and didn't have a shirt on. A large gold necklace adorned his neck and it was covered in hieroglyphs. "Hey Honey, sorry I'm late." The man said, kissing Sadie.

"Everyone, this is my husband Anubis. Anubis, these are my friends." Sadie said.

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