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Once outside, Yeonjun pauses as he glances across the street, flanked by security as they approach the car. There's a barricade, and about thirty or so fans are waiting there just to catch a glimpse of him. It never ceases to amaze Yeonjun, the lengths some people will go to just for two and a half seconds of breathing the same air as him. It's mind-blowing on the best of days, so Yeonjun steps back and lifts both hands to wave, and then he bows and blows a single kiss with both hands before he ducks into the car, the screams following him. He isn't a K-Pop idol, but he has a following like one, so much so, that people keep asking if he can sing.

After buckling his seatbelt, Yeonjun knows he needs to make contact, so he pulls out his phone and finds the first person listed in his favorites, dialing the number.

"Hey, doll. I saw that you're on your way home."

"I am. I'll see you in half an hour," Yeonjun says with a chipper tone of voice that doesn't match the expression on his face-glazed. Preemptively tired. Definitely should try to eat a late lunch, but undecided and with very little appetite.

"Sounds good. Tell Jiyeong to drive safely," Lee Daeul says on the other line, and then he hangs up when Yeonjun hums in acknowledgment.

"Daeul says to drive safely," Yeonjun says listlessly to Jiyeong, his driver. Jiyeong, still waiting to pull out onto the main road, glances in his rearview mirror with a chuckle.

"I'll protect the precious cargo," Jiyeong promises happily, and then he refocuses on the road, flicking his blinker on. They leave the parking area of the Dongdaemun Design Plaza and head for Hannam- dong, which is where Yeonjun resides with Daeul in their lavish, high-security apartment. It's comfortable and convenient. Yeonjun has adjusted to living in such luxury now.

He kind of wishes that he could come home to some dirty dishes in the sink, though.

Yeonjun scrolls through his phone and instinctively checks the stocks, knowing that the vibe at home depends on it sometimes-LG Group is up 1.27% right now at 87,200 won. That's promising. By close, Yeonjun is hoping it remains steady. The past five days have been tumultuous, with LG Group closing at a loss on three of those days. Daeul has been at the office every day like he does important work.

"Stocks are up," he calls out to Jiyeong for no reason. Jiyeong just nods, but it's Jaejoong who pipes up.

"Let's hope it stays like that until the market closes," he says as if being Yeonjun's manager makes him the wolf of Wall Street. He's close enough, Yeonjun supposes, being from KHK.

The CEO of KHK E&M, Kang Hyunwook, approved of Yeonjun's relationship with Daeul. Of course he did. It was a risk and a half, but with LG Group backing it, what could go wrong? He took a chance two years ago because Lee Daeul is respectable and has the South Korean public in a very kind and seemingly consensual figurative chokehold. He's so handsome! He's so respectful! He's such a role model!

Yeonjun thought the same thing when he and Daeul began dating. What a fucking catch, he thought in relief. Even the public and netizens had approved of the relationship after a collective shocked hesitation. An openly queer relationship with two titans? The Chpi Yeonjun with the Lee Daeul?


Jiyeong pulls up to the gates of the apartment complex to drop Yeonjun off, greeting the security guard. Hannam-dong is known for housing celebrities and the rich and famous in Seoul. It's no secret. Yeonjun isn't fond of it, though. He misses living close to Hongdae Street in the thick of the hustle and bustle, where there were about a dozen tattoo shops littered along each street. As Yeonjun hops out of the car, he subconsciously rubs a spot behind his left ear.

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