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The bells of the intercom wake Yeonjun out of a deep sleep.

Last night, he fell asleep with puffy eyes and a dry mouth from crying. Daeul called him to say goodnight, and Yeonjun just grumbled in response. He fell asleep like he had been run over by a truck, and now someone is ringing his doorbell at an ungodly hour.

“I’m coming,” he croaks to nobody at all, eyes still closed. He fumbles with the blanket and kicks it off, and then he pads to the bedroom door, pausing when he hears only silence. Maybe he was imagining it—

The intercom bell rings again. Cursing under his breath, Yeonjun makes his way towards the front door of the apartment, squinting in the sunlight. He feels hungover right now. It’s an emotional hangover, surely. He’s had a few of those before. Yeonjun sniffs and stares at the screen, because the cameras are pointing directly outside the apartment building.

His heart plummets into the pit of his stomach.

“Uh… yes? Hello?” Yeonjun croaks, the room suddenly spinning. What if Soobin is hurt now? What if they actually did get to Taehyun? What if—?

“Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency,” one of the several men states, holding up a badge to the camera. Then he holds up a folded piece of paper. “We’re here with a warrant. Let us in immediately.”

“Yes,” Yeonjun whispers, his finger moving in slow motion to open the front doors. The police practically barge in one-by-one, and Yeonjun staggers backwards. They have a warrant. The police are here. Something has gone horribly wrong, and Yeonjun is the only one home to witness it. He’s the only one here to take the brunt of it.

Panicking, the first thing he does is run to the bathroom to relieve himself and splash water on his face, because he’s no use if he’s half-asleep. He only just has time to pull on a sweatshirt when he hears a thunderous triple knock on the door.

“Seoul MPA!” the same voice bellows.

“Coming!” Yeonjun calls out faintly, fumbling in his blankets on the bed for his phone. It’s practically dead now, only 7% charged. He’s going to have to use it to contact Daeul, because he can’t deny the police entry. He has to open the door, and Daeul isn’t here to contest it.

“Choi Yeonjun,” the officer says when Yeonjun opens the door. Yeonjun nods. “Seoul MPA. Excuse us, please. We have a search and seizure warrant for your home.”

“A what?” Yeonjun emphasizes, eyes widening. “A—you have—what—can I read it?”

“Of course.” The officer hands over the warrant. Yeonjun unfolds it with shaking hands and scans it quickly as the police officers just let themselves in. It’s a warrant to seize all technology in the home and to search for any technology that may be hidden throughout the home.

“When—Sorry, when did…? When did this happen?” Yeonjun asks, handing the warrant back over.

“It was expedited. Served this morning, and we need to carry it out immediately,” the officer replies. “So if you would be so kind as to comply and cooperate, we’d be grateful.”

“Sure. Yeah, sure. I’m—I need to call my boyfriend,” Yeonjun stammers, and every single cop in the room turns to stare at him. “I have to—He’s—He lives here, too. I have to call him.”

“Good. If he lives here with you, then we’ll need to take his phone to pull the data from it right away,” the officer says. “And when you finish with your call, we’ll need to take your phone, I’m afraid. It won’t be long.”

“Yeonjun-ssi.” Another officer steps over, holding up one hand. He bows politely. “Excuse me. Once we’re finished here, we’ll also need to bring you to the station for questioning.”

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