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Yeonjun gets his phone back, though he doesn’t get his laptop back. But the authorities have everything they need from his phone, so he gets to pocket it. Then the detectives listen intently as Yeonjun details a possible motive for Daeul being the perpetrator, just as he had discussed with Taehyun moments ago.

Mingyu fills in the gaps like a good lawyer and advises the detectives that further evidence is being gathered and collected that will incriminate Lee Daeul. The detectives are none too pleased, it seems, at the prospect of having to deal with a spoiled chaebol who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, but Yeonjun isn’t an actor for no reason.

“We understand this has been an immensely painful ordeal for you,” Detective Hwang says as she hands the tissue box to Yeonjun. Yeonjun sniffles and plucks up a few tissues, dabbing the tears from his eyes and nodding. “And I’m sure reliving this trauma hasn’t been easy.”

“But Yeonjun-ssi, please be aware that if we… that you might… We’ll need to continue to keep in touch with you,” Detective Yoon says, awkward in the face of Yeonjun’s tears. “And question you. We’ll need your cooperation with this.”

“That’s okay,” Yeonjun whispers, his bottom lip trembling as he holds back another wave of tears. “I can do this. I promise. I want to make sure the right person is punished for this crime.”

“We have no further questions for you right now,” Detective Yoon says. “We’ve been informed that Lee Daeul has arrived at the station, and we need to question him right away. His lawyers are not patient men. You’re free to go, but please be available in case we need you again.”

“I will,” Yeonjun says with a nod, wiping his tears again. “Thank you for listening to everything I had to say. And—And thank you for expediting the process.”

“Of course,” Detective Hwang says, sounding a bit more sympathetic. Yeonjun rises to his feet with Mingyu by his side, and Mingyu holds open the door for him. They leave the room, and once they turn the corner, Yeonjun clears his throat and rubs his eyes hastily, pocketing the tissues, all tears forgotten.

“That was good, right?” he asks, and Mingyu turns and presses his forehead against the wall dramatically.

“I’ve known you for a few hours and I can already see why Taehyun likes you,” he says with a sigh. “That was brilliant. The crying forced them to actually listen to you and believe you.”

“I taught myself how to cry on command as a teenager,” Yeonjun says proudly. “Not that crying in my current situation is a difficult thing to do. But hopefully it helped.”

“I’m sure it did,” Mingyu says, and then they round another corner, the last hallway before the lobby. Taehyun is sitting on a bench quietly, wearing a visitor’s badge, face illuminated by his phone. He jumps to his feet when he sees the two, and Yeonjun steps back and half-listens as Mingyu and Taehyun feverishly exchange notes—it’s mostly Taehyun approving and praising, which is very Taehyun of him. He’s always been a good role model, and Mingyu takes one or two corrections in stride.

“Thank you, Mingyu,” Yeonjun says when there’s a moment of silence. “Thank you for coming and representing me. I… I would’ve cracked and said some stupid shit without you in there with me.”

“Thanks for trusting me,” Mingyu replies. “Well, for trusting Taehyun. I’ve been trying to get him to let me join this case for weeks to help out, so I’m glad I could come and be there with you.”

“If you get called back in for any further questioning—give him your card,” Taehyun interrupts himself, jabbing Mingyu with his elbow. Mingyu fumbles and pulls a business card out of his suit jacket pocket, handing it to Yeonjun. “If you get brought back in, Yeonjun, just call Mingyu. He’ll come running. Don’t say a fucking word to any detective or police officer without a lawyer present. It’s a god-fucking-awful idea, no matter how innocent you are. Promise me.”

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