433 29 52

3 years ago

"I'm home!"

No. Please don't be home. No, no, no.

"Darling?" Soobin kicks his boots off at the door messily and glances over to where Yeonjun is sitting on the couch, using his phone as a distraction. A distraction from what he has to do right now. A distraction to cancel out the trauma of his new management team talking about how the world would need to know Yeonjun was gay. A distraction to make him forget that the moment Yeonjun agreed to break up with Soobin tonight, the threat of outing him vanished.

He's about to ruin his own life.

"Mhm?" Yeonjun hums, because words aren't coming out of his mouth.

"Are you okay? I texted you twice from work and you didn't answer," Soobin says, ruffling his hair and lacing his fingers together as he stretches his arms overhead.

"Sorry," Yeonjun apologizes, knowing he sounds absurd. Sorry? That's all he has to say?

"Okay," Soobin says with a short laugh. "Anyway, did you want to go see a movie tonight like we talked about before? I think there are still two good seats in the back middle of the theater for the nine o'clock showing."

"Uh... I'm-I'm good, actually," Yeonjun says, his hands shaking as the adrenaline floods his body, enough to make him feel like he wants to vomit. "No movie tonight."

"Okay, enough."

"Enough what?" Yeonjun asks, and then he clamps his mouth shut. If he says anything else, he might actually vomit. Soobin just drops to his knees in front of Yeonjun, and Yeonjun almost faints.

"You've been a goddamn stranger for weeks, babe," Soobin says. "You barely cuddle me at night. You're not texting me as often as you normally do. You don't want to go to the movies or out to eat."

"It's not a big deal," Yeonjun says, laughing it off immediately as he leans back against the couch. The room seems to tilt sideways as he does. Soobin just sits back on his heels, one eyebrow raised for a moment..

"What's going on?" Soobin presses, subconsciously scratching one of his newest tattoos. "Why aren't you talking to me? You're hiding something. I know you like I fucking know myself, hyung."

"It's nothing, Soobin. Seriously," Yeonjun says, but an imaginary hand smacks the back of his head, and the word coward echoes in his mind. He's out of time. He can't run away from this now. He either rips off the band-aid, or he loses his career and KHK takes him for all he's worth for breaching his contract. They could publicly out him before he's ready. They could wreak havoc. Yeonjun has no earthly clue how powerful KHK is. He isn't really sure he wants to find out.

"Are you seeing someone else? Because if you are, you need to just tell me. I'm not gonna put up with this lying shit," Soobin says, and Yeonjun can hear the fake bravado in his voice. The very idea of Yeonjun cheating on him is gut-wrenching, but he's putting on a show of bravery. Yeonjun pitches forward immediately, though.

"No," he emphasizes. "No! Why would you ever think that? Why would you ever think I would cheat on you?"

"Okay, well, it's definitely worth asking with how weird you've been behaving lately," Soobin points out, throwing up one hand in exasperation. "What is it, hyung? I know when you're hiding things from me. I know when there's something you're not saying. I know you. If something's wrong, baby, we can work it out together. What happened? What's going on?"

"Soobin, this isn't something we can work out together," Yeonjun replies tensely. "This isn't something we're going to work out, period. It's not-We're not going to work anything out."

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