578 30 18

4 years ago

"Why are you the sun and I'm the moon?" Yeonjun asks, watching as the round shape of the sun begins to take form. "Is it because you're a hot ball of gas?"

"Doesn't that make you a rock?" Soobin retorts, his knee nudging Yeonjun's knee. Yeonjun wipes quickly, and then he leans in and looks. Soobin is tattooing the sun on the top of his hand near the juncture of his thumb and index finger. He's completed a perfect circle without anything to trace, which Yeonjun is almost certain is impossible.

"Definitely. Put me under immense and crushing pressure and I'll turn into a diamond," Yeonjun brags. Soobin lifts the hand he's tattooing, uses his middle, ring, and pinky fingers to turn Yeonjun's head by the chin, and kisses the corner of his mouth. Greedy, Yeonjun turns his head and deepens the kiss, his tongue in Soobin's mouth, his heart racing. Will it ever not race like this? Otherwise, Yeonjun will have to start collecting medals for all the marathons it completes.

"You're the moon because..." Soobin gently bites Yeonjun's bottom lip in another kiss. "You've got the whole 'bright light in the darkness' thing going for you."

"Are you the sun because my world revolves around you?" Yeonjun asks with a lopsided grin. Soobin contemplates, and then he circles his left hand around Yeonjun's head once. Twice.

"Fuck science. I have it all figured out," he jokes, and Yeonjun stifles a laugh and grabs Soobin's left wrist, smacking his hand back onto the table eagerly.

"Hurry up. I want mine."

"Says the guy who asked me if I've ever tattooed a dick on someone the first time he went under the gun," Soobin says as he repositions his tattoo gun. The buzzing resumes, drowning out Yeonjun's giggle, but he leans back against Soobin's chest anyway, his head still floaty from the soju. Soobin's chin is still on his shoulder, and Yeonjun has to wonder how he's comfortably tattooing himself in such a position. But Soobin would have complained or recommended a different position if it mattered.

"I like the lines," Yeonjun compliments, because Soobin is making the sun rays different lengths. The tattoo is simple with thinner lines, but it's the aesthetic that Yeonjun likes. He's wiping Soobin's hand after almost every line, and he's falling into a rhythm as Soobin moves quickly. "Does it hurt?"

"Nah. It's bearable," Soobin replies, "I've had worse. One time, though, I was tattooing this guy. Tough guy. A man's man who didn't like the Pride flag I have hanging up in my studio."

"Did you tattoo a dick on him?"

"No," Soobin says with a little giggle that gives away the fact that he has soju in his system. Soobin doesn't giggle unless he is feeling a bit giddy. He tattoos one smaller line on the sun, and then he pauses as Yeonjun wipes. "He was getting a cross tattooed on his ribs. First tattoo. Gym rat kind of guy. He was super unimpressed that I was his artist, but he took his shirt off and I told him to lie down."

"I know exactly where this is going," Yeonjun says with a grin, wiping Soobin's hand without being asked.

"So I put the stencil on, gave him the spiel, got everything ready, warned him that there would be some pain," Soobin rambles as he begins adding a few details to the sun, like extra rays and some dimension to the circular part of the tattoo. "And he was like, 'I think I can handle it.' And guess what he did?"

"Cried like a little bitch," Yeonjun guesses.

"I made one line, and he leapt off the table and cursed me out like he wasn't getting Jesus Christ the Lord Himself tattooed onto his ribs," Soobin says, and Yeonjun falls sideways into Soobin, laughing. "You should've seen the way Ahyeon came running."

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