806 47 28

3 years ago

(this chapter contains smut, don't read if you're uncomfortable)

"Oh, watch your step." Soobin catches beneath Yeonjun's elbow as he trips over their doormat, a bit tipsy from their night out at the karaoke. He pulls him against his side and fumbles for his keys.

"Damn thing," Yeonjun says as he flips down the corner of the RU LOST? mat and wrinkles his nose at it. It had been a gag gift from Kai, a playful jab at Soobin's aversion to having guests over, but they both found it funny enough to keep around. "I swear that mat is cursed. It trips me every time."

Soobin chuckles, stealing a kiss from Yeonjun as Yeonjun slips his arm around Soobin's shoulders to lean on him. "I think you might just be clumsy."

"Mm, no way," Yeonjun says as they both stumble inside, insistent on keeping their hands on each other, no matter how inconvenient it makes getting through the door. His fingers crawl up Soobin's chest, into his hair as Soobin backs up into the apartment. "Definitely cursed."

Soobin barely manages to swing the door shut and toss his keys aside before Yeonjun is on him. He slips his hands beneath Yeonjun's jacket, fingers dipping under his shirt as well to press into bare skin. Yeonjun's waist fits perfectly in his hands, his body molding against his own as his back hits the wall.

They had spent half the night exchanging less-than- subtle touches-Soobin's hand on Yeonjun's thigh, Yeonjun's lips on his neck, a smack on the ass when Yeonjun would stand up during his turn to sing-all when they thought none of their friends would notice. They did, of course. Beomgyu made a point to let them know that he finds them insufferable to be around. Said with the utmost love, according to Beomgyu.

An excited woof comes from inside the apartment before they get much more than Yeonjun's jacket off, and then Daigo scampers out of their bedroom and right into Soobin's arms. He wiggles as Soobin scratches behind his ears, lunging forward to try to lick at his face.

Yeonjun clicks his tongue. "He always greets you first. I don't know how much longer I can take this one-sided relationship. I feed him, pet him, pick up his shit, and this is what I get in return," he laments, but then Daigo rushes to him as if on cue, jumping onto his hind legs to beg for Yeonjun's affection.

"Hey, you're still my favorite," Soobin says as he pecks Yeonjun's cheek, reaching past him for Daigo's leash. "I'll be right back. Gotta take him out real quick."

Yeonjun purses his lips, head tilted playfully as he toes off his shoes. "Well, I was just on my way to the bedroom."

"If I wait, he might piss on the floor."

"Well," Yeonjun wrinkles his nose, "that really helps set the mood, thanks. Don't be too long."

There's a grin on his face before he turns and heads deeper into the apartment, humming a song he had sung earlier in the night. He tugs his shirt off as he goes, like it's the most innocent thing ever and not an intentional temptation.

"Daigo," Soobin says as he looks down at their dog, "you better make this fucking quick."

And, thankfully, he does. Soobin rushes back upstairs, tripping over himself as he kicks off his shoes and tosses aside his jacket. He glances at Daigo's water bowl to make sure he has enough, then makes a beeline for their bedroom.

Like always, Yeonjun's beauty is staggering, quite literally stopping Soobin in his tracks. He stands in front of their dresser as he shimmies his pants off and kicks them aside. His hands fluff up his hair, the muscles of his back rolling, the delicate curve of his waist drawing Soobin's eyes down to his ass. In front of him sits a camera, and it's pointed straight at their bed.

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