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present day

"This was such a bad idea."

"It was your idea, Kai." Soobin leans forward with his tongue between his teeth, the buzz of the tattoo gun a familiar whisper in his ear.

"What, I'm not allowed to regret something I drunkenly decided the other night?" Kai asks, grimacing as he tries to sneak a peek at Soobin's work. Не pushes his hand through his fluffy brown hair and leans forward until Soobin flicks his shoulder. Kai rolls his eyes and looks at Ahyeon. "I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?"

Soobin clicks his tongue, straight-faced as he says, "You're not instilling confidence in my clients like this, you know? What will they think if even my best friend doesn't trust me?"

There are chuckles from Seoyeon and Woojin, two regulars at Alloy & Ink. Soobin had just finished working on Woojin while Ahyeon had worked on Seoyeon. They're a couple who always come in for tattoos together and, this time, decided to hang out a little longer when they heard Kai was getting a surprise tattoo from Soobin for the shop's 10th anniversary.

"Hey, hey, hey, this has nothing to do with your talent," Kai says, "and everything to do with how I have no idea what you're tattooing on me. Can I at least get a hint?"

"Sure thing," Soobin says, steady hands inking the next few lines. "It's long, thick, slightly curved-"

There's a burst of laughter in the room as Kai tries to stay still, snorting into his other hand. Ahyeon groans out an exasperated yet fond "oh God," but Soobin doesn't blink. He doesn't even smirk, just to leave Kai guessing if he's serious or not.

He knows Kai trusts him no matter what, and Kai knows he can count on Soobin. From the first ever lotus flower Soobin tattooed on Kai's hip to the full back tattoo he did for him, Soobin has never let him down before.

"I can't believe you guys have been open for so long already," Seoyeon says, taking a sip of fruit punch as she leans into Woojin's side, his arm around her waist. They both have snacks and drinks, courtesy of the shop's ongoing "party" for the anniversary. "Feels like yesterday we first came in here."

Soobin's tongue swipes over his lips as he focuses, tuning out the conversation behind him. He catches bits and pieces-talk of their first ever tattoos here, about how far Ahyeon has come with her business despite obstacles, about her upcoming wedding.

They talk long enough that Soobin actually finishes the tattoo and taps Kai's knee for him to look at it. It's small, simple, and works subtly into the geometric bracelet-style tattoo that already wraps around his wrist-a little 10 in the middle, with a long, swooping 1 and a curly 0, all of which flows right into his previous tattoos.

"Oh, fantastic! A drunken decision that doesn't make me reconsider my entire existence," Kai says as he turns his wrist, smiling at the way the numbers blend in seamlessly. The playfulness drops from his tone, turning warm and genuine as he adds, "Thanks, SB. It's nice. And thank you for not tattooing something phallic on me."

"It was tempting. I also thought about tattooing Daigo's face on you instead but," Soobin shrugs and smiles at him, "might as well keep it simple."

Kai stares at him, blinking a few times before he laughs. "I really can't tell if you're serious about that or not."

"Why wouldn't I be serious?" Soobin asks. He points the tattoo gun at Kai's forehead like a weapon. "It would be an honor to have Daigo's face on you. And don't say it wouldn't be. He can hear you."

There's laughter again as everyone looks to where Daigo sits, his tail wagging excitedly at the sudden attention. Seoyeon and Woojin say their goodbyes, scratching Daigo behind the ears before they head out. As soon as the door rings to signal that they're gone, Soobin slips his gloves off and stretches out his legs. He has an hour before his next client, just enough time for a quick snack and a walk for Daigo, who trails behind Soobin with his nails clicking on the floor.

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