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4 years ago

“If you don’t stop,” Yeonjun says as he squeezes Soobin’s knee in warning, “moving the bubbles away, I swear to God…”

“I’m not moving anything.” Soobin hooks his chin over Yeonjun’s shoulder, lounging behind him in the bathtub, arms wrapped around Yeonjun’s middle as he grins. Yeonjun rolls his eyes and swivels his head around to look at Soobin.

“Yeah, except your hips against my ass,” Yeonjun says. He smacks Soobin’s thigh, though the water slows it enough that he barely makes contact. The movement swirls the bubbles around again, covering too much of Soobin’s view of Yeonjun’s body, so he reaches to swipe them away again until Yeonjun smacks his hand. “I told you to stop! You horny monster!”

Soobin laughs as he leans back in the tub, head tilted over the edge as Yeonjun rests against his chest. He squeezes around Yeonjun again, fingers dancing along his stomach. The bathwater is still warm enough, but it’s lost a lot of its heat after they procrastinated getting out several times already.

The bubbles are quickly vanishing, but as soon as they get out, Yeonjun has to go home for another early schedule tomorrow. Soobin selfishly wishes they could cancel it all and spend the entire weekend in the apartment, hidden away from the rest of the world a little longer. There are few people in the world that Soobin can spend every day with without going crazy, preferring his peace and quiet in his apartment alone. But Yeonjun’s companionship is something he craves, and the more he gets it, the more he wants.

“Hyung,” Soobin says, his voice dropping low and quiet as Yeonjun settles into his embrace, a satisfied hum escaping him as Soobin’s fingers trail along Yeonjun’s thigh now. He drags his nails lightly against Yeonjun’s skin, pulling a shiver from him. “I love you.”

There’s a light chuckle from Yeonjun as he catches Soobin’s hand and laces their fingers together. “I love you too,” he says, then pauses as though contemplating those words. “Did I do something specific to prompt such a sudden confession?”

He says it with such a dramatic flourish that Soobin has to laugh again. He squeezes his thighs in on either side of Yeonjun.

“Do I need a reason to tell you that I love you?”

“Mm, no. Say it again,” Yeonjun says as he wriggles back against Soobin, his voice intentionally sultry to the point that it’s almost comical.

“And I’m the horny monster?” asks Soobin with a playful pinch to Yeonjun’s leg, who squirms away with a giggle. There’s nowhere for him to escape to, though, so he falls right back onto Soobin’s chest and turns his head for a kiss. “I love you.”

Soobin drops a kiss on Yeonjun’s lips, earning a smile from him.

“I love you more.”

“Are we that couple now?” Soobin asks, muffled against Yeonjun’s mouth. “I love you the most.”

“We’ve always been that couple.” Yeonjun takes a deep breath, leaning into the kiss. He twists around in the tub to face Soobin, one hand propping himself up as the other curls behind Soobin’s neck.

Soobin’s hands catch his waist, pulling him close until Yeonjun is practically lying on top of him, the arch of his back fitting him perfectly against Soobin. Yeonjun breaks the kiss just enough to make Soobin pause and wait to hear what he has to say.

“We should probably actually get out of the tub this time,” Yeonjun murmurs against Soobin’s lips, and then he laughs when Soobin shakes his head, their noses rubbing together as he does. “Before we turn into prunes.”

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