505 33 25

3 years ago

The party feels like a dream as it steamrolls on Yeonjun drinking and dancing with his friends. Beomgyu stands on the coffee table again to make an announcement about how great Yeonjun is and shows off the cake he got for Yeonjun. But everyone is tipsy or drunk, so naturally, Yeonjun ends up with frosting on his face from six different people.

"Babe!" Soobin is the seventh person to do it, one arm around Yeonjun's waist as he swipes a thumb full of frosting across Yeonjun's lips. Then he immediately leans in and begins to kiss it off feverishly. There's hooting and hollering, but Yeonjun doesn't mind it. He kisses Soobin back just as fiercely, holding up a middle finger when someone shouts at them to get a room.

"NO ONE GETS A ROOM EXCEPT FOR ME!" Beomgyu hollers, and everyone laughs in appreciation. Yeonjun giggles, wrapped up in Soobin's arms, and then he watches as Beomgyu spins over to-

"Uh, what's that?" Yeonjun asks, nudging Soobin repeatedly until Soobin follows his finger. Soobin snickers, kissing the moon tattoo behind Yeonjun's ear.

"That's my gift," Soobin replies. "When you attend a party, you're supposed to bring a gift for the host, right? So I brought Taehyun."

"You brought-oh my God. He's perfect," Yeonjun realizes with a laugh. "Fit, super smart, clumsy. He ticks every single box."

"Exactly." Soobin sips his beer. "I introduced them by saying that Taehyun is in law school and that he boxes with Taekhyeon at Lights Out."

"So he's smart and he can deck you in the face. Beomgyu would appreciate that," Yeonjun replies, grinning. Beomgyu is dangerously close to Taehyun as the karaoke continues. They're near the window, and Beomgyu is visually devouring Taehyun while Taehyun sips his beer with a flirty little smile. Yeonjun wants to tease, but if anyone deserves a bit of action, it's Beomgyu. He's bisexual and no one knows except his close friends-including everyone in the room. His fame keeps him from enjoying real relationships. And Taehyun, he deserves to flirt a bit, too. He's up to his eyeballs in law school work.

Yeonjun doesn't keep track of how much he drinks. He sees Wooyoung and San making out in the kitchen at one point. He gets roped into a round of karaoke that ends with a round of shots when he forgets the lyrics. And the entire time, Soobin is right by his side, so Yeonjun kisses him every chance he gets.

And he pretends he doesn't know that he signed a contract with a stipulation.

The first noise complaint for the party comes at one in the morning, which is much later than anyone expected. Beomgyu isn't even around to acknowledge it; in fact, Yeonjun can't even locate Beomgyu as he circles the room with laughter, watching Soobin and San act like fools together. There's an attempt to quiet down the festivities, but the second noise complaint comes at quarter to two.


Yeonjun hears Beomgyu's voice call out over the laughter and music. The party is ready to wind down, but there seems to be a lack of willingness to go home and return to reality. Yeonjun knows the feeling all too well, because every night that passes brings him closer to his deadline.

Every night that passes brings him closer to losing Soobin.

"Moooove, move," Beomgyu sings out with a grin, and he brushes past Yeonjun, looking far more disheveled than before. Yeonjun eyes him curiously, bewildered, but then he glances to his left, and his jaw hits the floor as Beomgyu goes to answer his front door to address the complaint.

Taehyun is shuffling out of Beomgyu's bedroom. He's missing his jacket that he showed up wearing, and he seems to notice, because he lunges back into the bedroom and sweeps it off the floor, shrugging into it. The way he adjusts his belt is telling. The way he smooths over his hair with one hand is even more telling. And the way he catches Yeonjun's eye and immediately looks away is the killshot.

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