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“Is what you said true?” he asks. “Do you think you’ve been in an abusive relationship?”

Yeonjun nods numbly. “I don’t think. I know. I’ve never been away from it long enough to admit it, but now I am. I know I’ve been in an abusive relationship. Which is exactly why I think… fuck, I really think Daeul leaked my sex tape. I… Mingyu-ssi, I’m positive he did it.”

“Yeah. That’s what Taehyun said,” Mingyu replies, and Yeonjun starts, mildly surprised. “And that’s what we’ve all been afraid of. Nailing a chaebol for a sex crime is going to be…”

“Damn near impossible,” Yeonjun says quietly. “I know that.”

“But there’s hope,” Mingyu assures him. “You know how the government responds to sex crimes these days. Before, they just turned a blind eye. But now, the general public kicks up a shitstorm and demands action, and the government has no choice. If we can get this information out to the public and we’re careful about it, then they might be able to do the bulk of the work for us and put pressure on the government to take action.”

“But will it be enough?” Yeonjun asks.

“Well.” Mingyu smirks. “I think you need to give Kang Taehyun some credit. The man’s a bull in a china shop on his worst days, so imagine the lengths he’s willing to go to for Soobin and for you.”

When Yeonjun does spot Taehyun in the hallway walking towards them, he fights the urge to run and embrace his friend. Kang Taehyun never pulls punches in a courtroom and shows no mercy. He has a reputation with Seongil Law Firm for a reason. He’s an absolute juggernaut as a lawyer. But as a friend… as a friend, he’s different. He’s Soobin’s solace. He was always dependable and wise and affectionate with Yeonjun. And above all else—he cares. So when he breaks into a jog and grabs Yeonjun by the shoulders, Yeonjun bites back the tears.

“Are you okay?” he asks, giving Yeonjun a small shake.

“I’m fine, I’m good,” Yeonjun promises. “Just—yeah. A bit shaken up. Nothing like what Soobin had to deal with during his search and seizure, I’m sure.”

“You got lucky,” Taehyun says darkly, running one hand over his short hair with a sigh. He glances at Mingyu. “Did you choke?”

“No who do you think I am?” Mingyu fires back, and for the first time in hours, Yeonjun lets out a small laugh, lifting one hand to cover his mouth. “No. I didn’t choke. Yeonjun can fill you in, since it’s his story to tell.”

“They found the source of the leak,” Yeonjun says, and he realizes that he probably has to speak quickly, given the time constraint. “It was my personal laptop. I wasn’t home when the leak occurred. Daeul has access to everything, though. My passwords, my Cloud, everything. He was home that night. He even texted me asking if he could trust me. I fucking know he went into my Cloud looking for something to use, and he found that and edited it the way he wanted and leaked it.”

Trust,” Taehyun grumbles, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. “That’s rich coming from him. But I’m not surprised that it was leaked from your laptop. That’s why we pushed to have your electronics seized.”

“We?” Yeonjun repeats.

“Mhm.” Taehyun adjusts his glasses. “Soobin is the one who pushed for it to happen. He had a hunch all along, and he was right. Now we just have to prove it with the evidence. It’ll be circumstantial, but I have a feeling it’ll be overwhelming. Any judge and jury will look at it and fold, even if the defendant is Lee Daeul. They won’t have a choice. I, uh… Yeonjun, there’s something else you should know.”

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