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“You left it behind, right?”


“We’ll keep an eye on it.” Wooyoung parks the car in the narrow alleyway and checks the rearview mirrors to make sure no one is coming up behind him as he speaks to Yeonjun. “You have the numbers in your phone now, yes?Taehyun’s? Soobin’s? Mingyu’s?”

“Yes to all three,” Yeonjun confirms.

“If anyone else calls, we’ll monitor it and check your messages,” Wooyoung replies. “If it’s urgent, then we’ll video call you and answer the calls so they think you’re there. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“Because they’ll probably try to track your phone,” Wooyoung reminds him.

“Yeah, that’s why I didn’t take it,” Yeonjun answers, his pulse already racing at the mere thought of what he’s about to do. “And why I blocked Daeul’s number and denied him access to my location. I covered all my bases. Just… Can you message Mingyu and let him know where I am? For legal purposes.”

“Sure thing. Call me from Soobin’s phone if you need me to come get you,” Wooyoung says as Yeonjun opens the door. “Please.”

“I promise. Thank you,” Yeonjun says with gratitude, pulling up the hood of his jacket. “I love you. Thank you.”

“Mhm, same to you,” Wooyoung says, waving Yeonjun off to avoid the embarrassment. Yeonjun shuts the door, Wooyoung pulls away, and then Yeonjun is alone at ten o’clock at night in the alleyway where he once lived, the rain still coming down steadily.

Just do it. Walk in.

The apartment building doesn’t have security. There’s no intercom system. The white siding on the outside of the building is dirty and rundown, and some of the windows have cages and bars on them for safety purposes. The street is so narrow that only one car can fit at a time. But once upon another lifetime, this apartment was Yeonjun’s pride and joy. One large bedroom, a decent kitchen, great natural light in the morning, fourth and top floor privacy. There’s a great little pasta place on the corner in the other building. There’s a hole-in-the-wall ramyeon shop Yeonjun used to adore.

And, of course, there’s Soobin.

Yeonjun hides under the awning of the building at first to avoid the rain, wondering if this is worth it. If he’s making a mistake. But at this point, it’s all or nothing. He needs to be alone with Soobin face-to-face. He’s desperate for it. And for the first time, he has the freedom to try.

So he shoves open the door and tediously climbs the stairs, since there are no elevators. Moving in was absolutely fucking hilarious. Yeonjun still remembers the way his stomach hurt from laughing so hard the day he moved in with Soobin, how they had dropped so many things on the stairs that neighbors had come out to glare at them. But finally, he reaches the fourth floor and choses the apartment on the left, 401. He glances down.


Yeonjun almost laughs out loud. This damn doormat, his mortal enemy. Soobin still has the cursed thing. Digging deep for some bravery, Yeonjun gathers his courage and lifts his fist, and then he knocks loudly four times.

Daigo starts barking immediately. It feels so much like home, like Yeonjun just forgot the keypad code because he’s tipsy or it’s dark and he’s lazy. It makes his skin thrum in nostalgia.

“Shh, shh. Daigo, why? Stop. You don’t have to protect me,” Soobin says from the other side of the door with a light laugh. Daigo lets out a softer woof, and then the door opens.

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