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A blueberry falls off the spoon and back into the yogurt. Yeonjun doesn’t even bother to scoop it up, because he’s glued to his phone screen.


The article is increasingly horrific as journalists update it every hour or so. The building was broken into last night. The law firm itself was vandalized. One specific office was targeted, and it was the origin of the fire. Gasoline and small explosive devices and a hell of a lot of fire. Kang Taehyun’s office is nothing but a pile of ash. No one was hurt. This time.

“ What a damn week.”

Yeonjun only sticks the spoon into his mouth to eat what’s left on it when he hears Daeul’s voice. He woke up like a robot this morning, devoid of energy and emotion. The Naver homepage is quite literally just about Soobin. Soobin, who isn’t even famous. Soobin, who is now being dragged through the mud. Soobin, whose name is now synonymous with “jealous ex syndrome” and other fun things that keyboard warriors are calling him. Every article has the same comments: Take him for everything he has! I knew it would be him. They finally took all of his electronics omg!!!!! It’s always the jealous ex-boyfriend…

And Yeonjun can’t do a damn thing. He can’t speak up in defense of Soobin like he wants. He can’t take to social media and condemn all the morons online. All of his carrying on and sass in the meeting did nothing. KHK’s legal team just moved right along and put a figurative barrel of a gun to Soobin’s temple and asked him to dance. And he’s dancing. That’s the worst part.

“Yeonjun? Hey.”

“Hmm,” Yeonjun hums, finding another article and scrolling with his brow furrowed.

“Why did you get out of bed so early this morning? It’s too cold not to cuddle,” Daeul says, ruffling his hair as he heads for the kitchen to make his morning coffee.

“My friends were texting me,” Yeonjun says, borderline mumbling as he scoops up some more yogurt. He’s not even hungry. He just knows he should eat.

“Which friends?”

“Just my friends telling me about what happened last night.”

“Which friends?” Daeul repeats with more emphasis as the coffee begins to brew.

“Did you see the news? Do you—hey!”

“Watch it,” Daeul snaps at Yeonjun, but now he’s holding Yeonjun’s phone because he snatched it out of Yeonjun’s hands after sneaking up behind him. “I asked you who you were texting.”

“You don’t just fucking snatch my phone out of my hands,” Yeonjun says, but Daeul turns his body away so Yeonjun can’t take the phone back. Instead, Daeul grabs Yeonjun’s incoming hand, twirls it, and brings Yeonjun into a side embrace like it’s romantic. He drops a kiss onto the top of Yeonjun’s head.

“San… Jung Wooyoung? When the hell was the last time you heard from him?” Daeul asks with a short laugh, looking at Yeonjun’s text messages. He then hands the phone back, seemingly satisfied that he hasn’t found anything incriminating there. “And yeah, of course I saw what happened. Scary situation. Glad no one was hurt.”

“That’s all you have to say?” Yeonjun asks, sliding his phone onto the kitchen table. “You take my phone without asking to stalk my text messages, and then you have nothing to say about Soobin’s lawyer surviving attempted murder?”

“Darling, I know you’re an actor, but don’t be so dramatic,” Daeul says with a chuckle as he returns to making his coffee. “I’m not stalking your text messages. I’m making sure that you’re not communicating with the person who put you in this situation in the first place by leaking that damn tape. Kang Taehyun’s office being attacked is none of my business. Serves him right, to be honest. Maybe now he’ll stop acting like a child and cooperate.”

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