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And then Wednesday arrives.


"Don't- choke me, you-gigantic hamster," Yeonjun manages to say, because now he's in the backseat of a car, and Choi Beomgyu is hugging his neck and rocking him back and forth. Beomgyu releases him and returns to a proper seating position, swinging one leg over the other to cross as he accidentally kicks the back of the front passenger seat, his black hair swept off his forehead.

"Is that a threat?" From the front, Choi San twists his upper body and holds up a fist with one eyebrow raised. His black hair looks like he just shrugged at it in the mirror and walked away, but still, he's the most handsome motherfucker Yeonjun knows, and it's infuriating. Not that Beomgyu is any better- men and women alike fall over themselves for him. Bisexual king! That's what they say online. The general public of South Korea accepts it, too, and it's thanks to Yeonjun. Beomgyu always says he's forever in Yeonjun's debt.

"If you squint, it is," Beomgyu replies, and then he smacks Yeonjun's thigh as the car pulls away from the curb. "Yeonjun!"

"San!" Yeonjun answers with a grin, and San snorts with laughter as Beomgyu retracts his hand and gives Yeonjun a look.

"I'm not singing a single one of your song requests for that level of disrespect," Beomgyu says seriously, though Yeonjun can tell he's trying not to laugh. "I'm going to sing the same song over and over again until your ears bleed, Choi Yeonjun. Mark my words."

"Gyuuu," Yeonjun sings out instead, and Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

"Alright, one song," he agrees, caving immediately. "Good to see you, though."

"Yo, word on the street is that you're in talks for that new show everyone at the company is buzzing about," San says, upper body still twisted to look at Yeonjun. "The tattoo one."

"You're a magnet for gossip," Yeonjun sighs.

"Oh, he's not the magnet for gossip," Beomgyu says, holding up one hand. "Let's not pretend that Choi San cares about anything except his manager's ass, and a bit of funky jazz music."

"I care about a good karaoke," San argues, glaring at Bwomgyu before he turns back to Yeonjun as they head towards Itaewon. "Am I right? Are you in talks for second lead?"

"How the hell do you know that?" Yeonjun asks in exasperation, but then he adds, "I had a meeting with them today. They came to KHK just for me."

"Aw, they're courting you," Beomgyu says with a scrunch of his nose. "I'll report that back to headquarters."

"And you wonder how he gets his gossip," Yeonjun says as he rolls his head over to give Beomgyu a look.

"You, too, could be managed by the great Kang Taehyun," Beomgyu teases, then he pulls out his phone. "Now listen up. I have a few songs I want to run by you both before we get too drunk and make terrible decisions."

Beomgyu begins to rattle off songs. Yeonjun listens, but his mind is wandering. Everything is connected to him. That's all he can think as he laughs at one of the song choices absentmindedly.

Jung Wooyoung was Choi San's manager from the start, never Yeonjun's. Yeonjun knows Wooyoung, of course. He's DT Entertainment's hero. He protects San's career with his own life, and not just because he's good at his job. All those years ago, San had a monstrous crush on Wooyoung and Wooyoung never reciprocated for professional reasons. But once again, Yeonjun was an inspiration, because the moment news of his relationship with Daeul broke, San was on the phone telling Yeonjun that he was now secretly dating his manager.

Never mind that they were fucking like animals for two years on and off before then.

"We're meeting a few others there," Beomgyu says as they approach the karaoke, ripping Yeonjum from his daydream. "Yeyoung even said she'd come."

"Oh, she has to sing a Red Velvet song," San declares. "If I don't get secondhand embarrassment from her suffering through 'Ice Cream Cake', then there's no point."

"If you put enough soju in me, I'll do it with her," Yeonjun offers with a grin as his phone vibrates in his pocket. He checks his text messages, the grin vanishing.

DAEUL [20:45PM]

Love you, babe, have fun tonight

DAEUL [20:46PM]

Please tell me I can trust you

Yeonjun's thumbs hover over the screen. Daeul wouldn't even be texting him about trust if Yeonjun hadn't accidentally blabbed over dinner last night about his meeting with the people from Ink Twice. But after three beers with his chicken, he just rambled when Daeul asked how it went. Yeonjun only had to bring up the tattoo concept for Daeul to curse Soobin's name again and complain about the "damn wedding." And then he asked if Yeonjun was in the mood.

Not right now. Yeonjun's apologetic response. He'd have to make up for it later, probably. Maybe tonight when he had enough soju in him.


You have nothing to worry about, darling, I promise you!


I'll be home around midnight!

DAEUL [20:50PM]

I'll wait up for you, then :)

"Choi Yeonjun. Let me get that for you." Beomgyu reaches down and smacks Yeonjun's ankle a few times, and then he straightens up as the car approaches the karaoke. "There you go. Ball and chain removed."

"You asshole," Yeonjun laughs, shaking his head as the car stops. Immediately, he can see a few fans and fan sites loitering near the entrance of the karaoke, because somehow, they always seem to know where Yeonjun is going. If not Yeonjun, then Beomgyu or San. It doesn't really matter. They're the holy trinity of actors in South Korea right now, the best of the best, and the bonus is that they're close friends.

They have their own room at the karaoke, and it seems everyone has brought their own drinks. There's a lot of beer, but San has soju for fun. There are eight of them in total crammed into the room, but that's the way Yeonjun likes it. He likes being in a dark room full of ridiculous disco light and gaudy couches for a few hours with endless opportunities to sing terribly.



"What? I'm good with a remote!"

The laughter is contagious as Beomgyu wrestles a few other guys for the remote and ultimately wins. Yeonjun picks up the tambourine and plops down on the couch beside San, who is flipping through the songbook with a grin, holding a shot glass in one hand. Yeyoung is the one pouring soju for them, so she makes the rounds.

"Trouble in paradise?" San asks, nudging Yeonjun with an elbow. "Cheer up. He's not here breathing down your neck. And this is our favorite place. Our names are on the goddamn table."

"I know. It's fine," Yeonjun says with a short laugh and a shake of the tambourine in San's face as Yeyoung hands him a full shot glass of soju. "Bottoms up." He taps his glass against San's glass, and they both drink at the same time. "Just pick a good song and convince Beomgyu to do it, because he has the remote and the mic."

"That's-BEOMGYU! Step away from the mic!" San hollers, but it's futile. Beomgyu is already trying to do the "Ice Cream Cake" dance for Yeyoung's enjoyment.

Yeonjun sets his shot glass down onto the little wooden table in the center of the room as the purple, blue, and pink disco lights flash. The atmosphere is ideal. This is exactly what he needs after a stressful week before he drowns in promotions for Cheap Kills. This is what he needs to rid himself of the stress that comes with belonging to Lee Daeul.

He makes the mistake of leaning forward with the tambourine in his lap, though, and he presses his tongue into his cheek, brushing his fingers over the names carved on the table:





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