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3 years ago

"Can you start singing 'I Can Go the Distance' for me?"


Soobin bursts out laughing when Yeonjun stops on the landing of the staircase and begins to punch his chest playfully, gently, repetitively.

"We took the stairs for exercise, you asshole," Yeonjun says, grinning as Soobin grabs his wrists and pulls him in for a hug.

"Celebrities shouldn't take the stairs, Bug," he says, clicking his tongue. "Unless they're going to sing songs from Hercules."

"Call me Meg," Yeonjun whispers, and then he rakes his fingers through Soobin's hair and kisses him. Soobin reciprocates eagerly. He always does. Yeonjun can't think of a time when Soobin ever kissed him half-heartedly, Yeonjun thinks he's the insufferable one in love, but he's pretty sure Soobin feels the same on a consistent basis. "I can't believe you did this to me. You know I get awkward at parties."

"I don't know how good you are with everyone else, but with me, you're a shitty liar," Soobin says, and Yeonjun snorts with laughter as they continue to climb to the seventh floor, Soobin hauling some alcohol with him. "Actually, scratch that. You can't even lie to Daigo."

"Yes I can."

"He knows when you're not gonna take him on a walk. He comes and tells me. Tattles on you."

"I've had enough of your bullshit," Yeonjun says, stopping abruptly as Soobin knocks into him from behind with a little grunt. Grinning, Yeonjun leans back and wiggles his head a little.

"I organized a party for you because you deserve it," Soobin says without hesitation. "All of these other amateurs are picky with the roles they take and they never work on improving their craft. You've taken every opportunity that's come to you and you're consistently getting better and better. And now you're a star."

"Babe, it's a small role," Yeonjun says, downplaying it.

"It's a second lead role in a historical drama," Soobin emphasizes. "That's huge, hyung. Everyone always roots for the second lead. Next thing you know, you'll be the lead role in a hit show and we'll be traveling all over the globe together to go to award shows so that you can kiss me on screen when they call your name as the winner."

"That's it? That's your life's ambition?" Yeonjun teases, but even as he's climbing the stairs, his heart is sinking. Don't think about it right now. Not now. Not tonight.

"Yeah. Once you thank me in your acceptance speech and the camera pans to me clutching a silk handkerchief-" Soobin sniffs dramatically and uses the neck of the bottle of soju he's holding to pretend to dab his eyes as Yeonjun giggles.

"Then you've peaked," Yeonjun declares, and Soobin nods.

"Then I've peaked. But for tonight, we're just gonna get drunk with a bunch of our friends and then..." Soobin pulls Yeonjun closer. "I'm gonna fuck the life out of you tonight because you deserve it."

"We'll film it."


"Well, if you're promising an ass pounding, then I guess I can attend a party," Yeonjun sighs, and that's when he hears the stairwell doors opening from somewhere. Soobin raises his eyebrows like he's daring Yeonjun to repeat that, so Yeonjun grips the railing and pretends to hurl himself over it to his death. Soobin snickers and grabs him around the waist, leading him up to the seventh floor.

They're in the midst of luxury. Soobin has always. been fascinated by Yeonjun's friendship with Beomgyu, Korea's most beloved young actor and recipient of several Baeksangs, and Yeonjun can't blame him. How could a man from the same company as Yeonjun be so successful and so loved while Yeonjun is still starving for his big break? All the roles he snagged as a teenager mean nothing. Yeonjun only counts his career successes beginning at age eighteen, which means he has only about five years under his belt. But here's Beomgyu, Yeonjun's role model, throwing a party for Yeonjun because Yeonjun got a lead role for once.

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