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“We shouldn’t have done that,” Soobin whispers, his fingers still dancing along Yeonjun’s spine. Yeonjun swallows heavily. Here it comes. The regret.

“I know.”

“You shouldn’t be here.”

“I know.”

“And you definitely shouldn’t sleep over.”

Yeonjun snorts with laughter, his face pressed into Soobin’s neck, all worries forgotten, and he feels the vibrations of Soobin’s laughter against his chest. Slowly, Yeonjun pushes himself up, and he studies Soobin’s face. Every little mole. Every pore. Every perfect inch of him. When he bends down to kiss Soobin, he thinks it’ll be a small kiss. Instead. Soobin’s hand cups behind Yeonjun’s neck to pull him down, and Yeonjun sinks into it, his knees slipping to the outside of Soobin’s hips.

“I’m sorry,” Yeonjun whispers, his eyes closed. “I know I shouldn’t be here. But it’s the one place I wanted to be.”

“I said you shouldn’t be here,” Soobin emphasizes. “Doesn’t mean I don’t want you to be. There’s a difference. Pedantic shit and all that.”

“I don’t want to overstep,” Yeonjun says quietly. “I… I can sleep here tonight, but I’m not trying to—I don’t know. You understand me.”

“You don’t want me to think that you’re taking advantage and that you’re trying to just come back into my life like nothing ever happened,” Soobin guesses, and Yeonjun actually chuckles at the accuracy. Among Soobin’s many talents, he’s always been able to articulate what Yeonjun can’t.

“Exactly,” he confirms.

“How about we sleep on it, and then we’ll talk in the morning?” Soobin suggests. “Because the last two months have been hell and this is the first nice thing I’ve had in a while, to be honest.” He pauses. “That sounds whiny.”

“Not to me,” Yeonjun replies. “I mean, if someone else said it, yeah. But you’re not whining. You’re just… Soobin.”

“Mm.” Soobin grips Yeonjun’s chin with one hand and pulls him down for a kiss. “I missed being able to kiss you whenever I want.”

“Well, my lips are now fully available,” Yeonjun replies, and Soobin purses his own lips to keep from laughing.

“I’ll let Daigo into the room. He’s probably pissed that his dads are at it again,” Soobin says with a sigh, ruffling his hair. Still fully naked, Yeonjun just swings his legs over the edge of the bed and stands up to stretch. He’ll go wash up in a second. First, though, he turns and glances at Soobin, who’s sitting on the other edge of the bed, elbows resting on his knees.



“Are you okay?” Yeonjun asks gently. Soobin pops his lips once in thought, narrows his eyes, averts his gaze towards the bed, and then smiles at Yeonjun.

“Yeah. Believe it or not,” he adds. “It’ll all hit me tomorrow morning. But I’m just gonna enjoy it for now. Do you want to shower?”

“Please,” Yeonjun requests.

“Do you want to shower alone?”


So Soobin lets Daigo roam free, and then he hops into the shower with Yeonjun. It’s jarring after so many years apart, but in the same breath, it feels like Yeonjun just took a long nap and now he’s awake and in the same life he once loved. Everything is achingly familiar but with a touch of newness. It’s surreal. Soobin doesn’t even speak while they shower. He just hands Yeonjun the shampoo, the soap, whatever Yeonjun needs because he already knows.

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