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"Yeonjun? Come on in. Quickly," Minhyuk demands, spotting Yeonjun in the hallway. Yeonjun hastily deletes the entire text conversation, wishing he could save it despite the messages already being burned into his brain. Head ducked low, Yeonjun enters the meeting room, where most of the chairs are already filled. The PR team and KHK's legal team are all present, and this time, the CEO himself is seated at the table.

"Good to see you, Yeonjun," Kang Hyunwook says. He gestures. "Have a seat."

Yeonjun sits. He considers removing his hat and mask, but he decides against it, because no one calls him out on it. Being covered makes him feel more protected, anyway.

"Yeonjun, we're here to provide an update on what KHK has been doing since the day of the leak," Minhyuk begins in his usual monotony. Soobin really gave this fucker a run for his money. He deserves it. "The Digital Sexual Crimes Response Team has been called to action after receiving our report from the police. They've been asked to join in on the case, and they've responded with haste due to the, uh... nature of the situation."

"Due to me being naked and famous," Yeonjun quips dryly.

"Yeonjun," Jaejoong says in warning, and Yeonjun slouches in his chair, sliding one thumbnail under the other. In the previous meeting, he was so distraught that he hadn't been able to properly vocalize. Now he is just angry. Bitter and angry.

"The, uh..." Minhyuk shuffles some papers. "The DSCR will do their assessment of the situation to determine the severity and whether or not there's a risk of more material being leaked. And this is where we might need your assistance, Yeonjun."

"With what?" Yeonjun asks, still picking at his nails, but then he feels his phone vibrating in his pocket. He checks-Lee Daeul. He lets it go to voicemail, but the moment it does, the phone begins to ring again. Yeonjun sighs heavily, all eyes on him.

"Yeonjun, we need your attention," Hyunwook recommends, but Yeonjun holds up his phone.

"It's Daeul. I need to answer him. He probably saw the mob scene out front," Yeonjun says, chewing his bottom lip as his phone begins to ring for a third time. "Can I just-? I need to let him know I'm okay."

"Quickly," Hyunwook says with a sigh, leaning back. Yeonjun answers the call and presses the phone to his ear.

"Hyung, I'm in a meeting right now. I'm fine," Yeonjun promises.

"I'm glad you're safe," Daeul says. Yeonjun can hear the ambiance of the office in the background. "That's not why I'm calling, though. I'm at the office, and I know you're meeting with the company and the legal team, so I want you to put me on speakerphone."

"What? Hyung, I can't do that," Yeonjun hisses.

"Put me on speakerphone, Yeonjun. Now," Daeul says sharply, Yeonjun pulls the phone away from his ear, desperate to just throw it against the window and smash it, but instead, he covers the speaker momentarily.

"He'd like to say something on speaker to the group," Yeonjun says, feeling like an idiot. It's not like KHK isn't familiar with Lee Daeul. They know him all too well. He's a darling to them.

"Quickly, so we can move on, Minhyuk says impatiently. Fearing what Daeul is about to say, Yeonjun puts his phone on speaker and sets it onto the table.

"Hyung, you're on speakerphone," he declares..

"Great. Hi, this is Lee Daeul from LG Group," Daeul says. "So sorry to interrupt your meeting. I just wanted to advise you all that LG Group, specifically my family, has been keeping up-to-date with this horrific crime, and as of this morning, we would like to offer our legal services in place of whatever KHK is providing. All costs paid."

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