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2 ½ years ago

“Alright, you’re scheduled for a consultation on the 16th at 4 o’clock,” Soobin says, Alloy & Ink’s phone squeezed between his head and his shoulder as he types the customer’s information into the shop’s iPad. “I’m looking forward to working with you. I’ll see you then. Have a good one.”

Soobin hangs up the phone and stretches his neck, confirming the appointment on the screen before he drops onto the rolling stool behind the front desk. He rolls until his back hits the wall, a long sigh escaping him as he stares out the window at passing traffic.

His next client is running late, giving him a moment to breathe before he gets back to work. He runs his fingers through his hair, gathers it up at the back of his head, then pulls the hairband around his wrist off and ties his hair up.

Daigo sleeps beneath the desk, stretched out on his side, his ribs expanding with each deep breath he takes. Soobin is just about to hop off the stool to pet him when the front door opens, bell ringing overhead.

“Oh, hey, hyung,” Soobin says with a nod at Taekhyeon. He’s dressed head to toe in black, the sleeves of his shirt ripped off to turn it into a tank top, the hem tucked into his sweatpants. He’s obviously just finished up one of his workouts and is stopping by to see Ahyeon, like he often does.

“Hey, how’s it going today?” Taekhyeon asks as he leans on the desk. “Pretty quiet in here today.”

“Client’s running late, so I’m just chilling,” Soobin says as his head falls back against the wall again. He slept like shit last night. He almost feels like he could take a nap right here if he had time. “Ahyeon’s in the back. You going to lunch together again?”

Taekhyeon nods, lips pursed together as he glances toward the back of the shop, fingers drumming on the front desk. When he looks at Soobin again, Soobin cocks his head and grins.

“Buttering her up for something?” he asks, and Taekhyeon immediately clicks his tongue at him in a warning. Soobin snickers, but he stops teasing as soon as he hears a door from the back click shut.

Taekhyeon had confided in Soobin and Kai a few weeks ago that he’s planning to propose to Ahyeon soon. It’s funny because they’re practically married already and have both discussed it at length. But Ahyeon is, in Taekhyeon’s and her own words, “high maintenance” and she insists on a full, fancy proposal. There’s no doubt that he’s leading up to asking her soon.

“Ooh, am I interrupting boy-gossip?” Ahyeon asks as she crosses the shop with a smirk, tucking her hair behind her ears. She lifts onto her tiptoes to kiss Taekhyeon. “Same place as last time?”

“Nah, I found a new place to try out. Very swanky little place. Very you ,” Taekhyeon says, and Soobin has to bite his cheek to keep from laughing at them. It’s been years and they still act like lovestruck kids, flirting every second they’re together.

Soobin glances down at his phone as it buzzes, tuning out Taekhyeon’s and Ahyeon’s conversation as he clicks on a new text from Kai.

Hey Soobin hyung, you’re at work right now, right??

Yeah I am

Unless this is a test to see if I’m texting on the clock

In that case, I’m on break right now hehe

Is Ahyeon noona with you?

Have you seen the news yet?

About Yeonjun hyung??

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