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a/n] hahahahhahaahahahahahhhahaha guys this chapter contains smut hahahhahaha. don't read if ure uncomfortable hahahahahahah

“Oh, shut up,” Yeonjun groans, and he feels Soobin’s soft laughter into the next kiss. This is real. It’s happening. It’s happening right now. The bedroom door closes, and the moment Yeonjun’s feet hit the ground, he’s pulling on the bottom hem of Soobin’s shirt.

“How many people have you been with since me?” Yeonjun asks as Soobin’s shirt hits the floor, and he bends and starts kissing up Soobin’s stomach from the waistband of his pants to his chest. Soobin’s fingers are tangled in Yeonjun’s hair.

“A few. No one worth remembering,” Soobin replies, his voice strained. “N-No one fucking worth it.”

“Me neither,” Yeonjun whispers, and now his hands are working at Soobin’s belt. He’s never felt so out of control in his entire life. He’s never needed anyone the way he needs Soobin. Even when they were dating, he needed Soobin. Now, in a do-or-die moment, he craves Soobin.

“Fuck it, just—” Soobin almost tears Yeonjun’s shirt as he removes it, his lips finding Yeonjun’s lips for a bruising kiss that has Yeonjun gasping. They stagger backwards together, Soobin kicking off his pants as Yeonjun lets Soobin tug down his jeans. When Soobin’s fingernails rake down Yeonjun’s spine, Yeonjun’s head falls back with a sharp inhale, and Soobin is there, his lips pressed to Yeonjun’s throat.

“Please,” Yeonjun chokes out.

“I should be the one begging,” Soobin murmurs, his hand slipping past the waistband of Yeonjun’s underwear to grab his ass. Yeonjun can’t stand anymore. He sees the bed behind Soobin and pushes, and Soobin topples backwards onto the bed, scooting to let Yeonjun crawl on top of him.

“I missed you,” Yeonjun whispers with his lips on Soobin’s chest, right over his heart. Soobin’s hands are drifting up and down his spine, and then he grabs Yeonjun’s hips so that Yeonjun settles down, straddling him.

“I missed you. Missed this. Missed us,” Soobin rattles off, and Yeonjun is panting now as he rocks his hips in need, feeling how hard Soobin is beneath him. It’s intoxicating, knowing how much Soobin wants him. How much Yeonjum wants Soobin at this moment. It’s always been like this. Time hasn’t changed a damn thing.

Yeonjun leaves his mark everywhere. If he had time, he’d kiss Soobin’s entire body. But he feels like the clock is ticking, so he kisses all the way down to Soobin’s hips and hooks his fingers into Soobin’s underwear, tugging until it’s on the floor, too. The sound Soobin lets out when Yeonjun wraps his lips around Soobin  is heavenly. It’s a mixture of a whine and a moan and part of Yeonjun’s name, and his entire body tenses. Yeonjun swallows him down further, wrapping his tongue around Soobin like he remembers, one hand pressed to Soobin’s navel, as Soobin’s toes curl and his hips lift.

“Y-Yeonjun,” Soobin chokes out, and Yeonjun nearly faints, because Soobin knows. He knows Yeonjun likes to hear his own name without honorifics when they fuck. He knows. “God, that’s so good, so—shit, shit, that’s—look at me, baby.”

Yeonjun lifts his eyes. For the first time in years, he feels wanted. He’s desperate to see the way Soobin is looking at him, and Soobin delivers. His eyes are bloodshot and slightly unfocused, and he’s gnawing on his bottom lip as he watches everything Yeonjun does, one arm tucked behind his head to prop himself up.

He’s beautiful. He’s everything Yeonjun wants.

“Mm-mm. Pull off, babe. Pull off or I’ll come,” Soobin warns, so Yeonjun slowly pulls Soobin from his mouth and wraps his hand around it, stroking lazily a few times and leaving a kiss to Soobin’s thigh, his eyes closed. He can hear Soobin fumbling around, and when he opens his eyes, Soobin is sitting up.

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