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Present day

It feels wrong, somehow, to sit in a Bali sunset, warm breeze on Soobin's face, watching his best friends exchange their vows on a beachfront pier while the media no doubt wreaks havoc back home. Being here is so peaceful in comparison to what they've been through in the past week. He really does wish Yeonjun could have been here. Especially with it being such a small, intimate wedding, only their closest friends invited.

Yeonjun would have loved the modern style Ahyeon has gone for, the sleek white dress and sheer sleeves to show her tattoos, which match the pops of red throughout the venue. It's very Ahyeon and Taekhyeon to choose such bold accent colors. It's eye-catching, and Soobin has seen at least ten people stop on the balconies of their resorts to admire it from afar.

As the ceremony comes to a close, Ahyeon beams as Taekhyeon leans in, wiping a tear from under her eye. He whispers something that makes her laugh before he kisses her, and Soobin is fairly certain Kai is trying not to sob beside him.

Soobin is the only exception in the crowd when it comes to the no-phone rule Ahyeon had made, solely because she wanted him to be able to take a few photos to send to Yeonjun since he can't attend. It's actually Ahyeon's phone he uses. It gives her some photos to keep right away and keeps Daeul from suspecting anything since it's not coming from Soobin's phone.

He glances across the aisle as everyone stands with teary eyes, murmuring their congratulations to Ahyeon and Taekhyeon. Ahyeon smiles at him and waves as he takes a picture, and he shoots her a wink before they leave to change for the reception. Soobin nudges Kai, who wipes at his eyes and huffs at Soobin's smirk.

"Shut up. Let me cry in peace. How are you not crying?"

Soobin shrugs. "Broken tear ducts, I guess."

He did choke up during the ceremony, but he's never been an easy crier. Soobin tends to sit with his emotions and ponder over them instead, trying to understand them before acting on them. It's rare and always comes as a shock when he does finally break down. For things like weddings, though? He can feel everything without much more than a fond smile and maybe a slight shine to his eyes.

Everyone heads down the pier and back to the resort's garden area just beside it. They have the whole garden, pier, and a large strip of beach for the reception, cordoned off with red and white ribbons to keep other beach goers out of their space.

Soobin takes a seat at one of the tables and looks through the photos, picking out his favorites as the clock ticks on. He doesn't send them right away, mingling with friends for a bit and letting enough time pass that Daeul won't be suspicious as to why Ahyeon isn't focusing on her own wedding. Once the sun has fully set, he sends them, and it takes only a minute for Yeonjun to respond.


You both look stunning! Please tell Taekhyeon hyung hello and congratulations for me

KIM AHYEON [19:45PM] I will! He already asked me to say he wishes you could be here.

CHOI YEONJUN [19:47PM] It looks really beautiful, noona. I'm sorry I had to miss it

KIM AHYEON [19:48PM] That's OK. You have enough to deal with right now.

Soobin runs his tongue along the seam of his lips, pressing them together as he glances around the reception. He knows his safest bet is to let Daeul think it's just Ahyeon texting Yeonjun, but he can do that and let Yeonjun know the truth.

He leans back in his seat and takes a short video of the moon as it hangs just over the ocean, lighting bouncing off waves as they crash, and then he sends it to Yeonjun. Immediately after, he sends another text that he knows only Yeonjun will understand.

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