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4 years ago

"Sorry, this one's ours!"


"Oh noooo, excuse me!"

Yeonjun collapses into the backseat of the taxi as Soobin slams the door shut on the other side with a shit-eating grin, and the couple who hailed the taxi originally both sputter and let out a string of choice curse words. Soobin leans forward, roughly tucking some hair behind one ear.

"Hongdae, please," he requests. "Anywhere in Hongdae. I love Hongdae."

"Sit back, you're so drunk," Yeonjun laughs, yanking Soobin by the arm until Soobin bounces against the seat and sits back, stifling a laugh. The taxi driver isn't even remotely flummoxed. He just begins to drive, uninterested in the scuffle that has just taken place for his taxi.

"I'm not that drunk," Soobin insists, and Yeonjun knows that's the truth. They're both pleasantly buzzed, not drunk at all. But when they drink enough soju, Yeonjun knows that they're both a danger to society. The alcohol isn't what does it-they're drunk off each other. They always are.

Being disgustingly in love for a year hasn't changed Yeonjun's feelings at all.

"We just hijacked a taxi," Yeonjun says, swinging one leg over Soobin's thighs playfully.

"I've always wanted to be a pirate," Soobin says seriously. "I have the tattoos for it. I can teach Daigo how to squawk like a parrot, too."

"Shut up," Yeonjun hisses with a laugh, smacking Soobin's chest. Soobin grins, biting his tongue between his teeth, and he hugs Yeonjun's leg closer to him, running his hand along the inside of Yeonjun's thigh. It's thrilling for absolutely no reason, and Yeonjun shivers, twisting his upper body and grabbing Soobin's chin firmly. When their lips meet for a kiss, Yeonjun's heart skips excitedly, his fingers tangled in Soobin's hair.

"I love you," Soobin whispers against his lips, and Yeonjun believes it without a doubt. Soobin kisses. him again. "I love our life."

"I love our life as much as I love you," Yeonjun whispers, and it's painfully true. "Now why did you say Hongdae without giving our address?"

"I have absolutely no idea," Soobin admits, and Yeonjun snorts with laughter, but then inspiration strikes. Maybe it's the soju, and if so, he's fine with it. Gripping Soobin's thigh, he leans forward.

"Excuse me," he says to the driver. "Can you please drop us off at Alloy & Ink on Eoulmadang-ro? It's a tattoo shop."

The driver hums in agreement with a nod, still driving through Mapo-gu and closing in on Hongdae. Soobin has Yeonjun's hand in his, and he quietly lifts it and kisses each of Yeonjun's knuckles individually in silence. Then he hooks his pinky with Yeonjun's pinky and tugs.

"Do you feel that, babe?" he says.

"Feel what? The alcohol coursing through my veins?" Yeonjun asks as they approach the tattoo shop. Soobin hasn't even questioned why they're going to Alloy & Ink, which only proves their connection, in Yeonjun's opinion.

"No. The sharp tug of the inescapable red string of fate," Soobin says seriously, poetically. "Can you feel it?"

"No, you weirdo," Yeonjun teases. With a straight face, Soobin bends his head and then flicks his tongue to lick the top of Yeonjun's pinky. Yeonjun lets out a yelp and smacks Soobin's thigh, laughing.

"How about now?" Soobin asks.

"I can't believe I let you use that tongue for evil on me," Yeonjun sighs as the taxi driver pulls up to the start of Eoulmadang-ro. "Right here is fine!" Yeonjun exclaims as Soobin stifles a laugh. "Thank you!"

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