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A ringing phone wakes Yeonjun up the next morning. Groggy, he squints and props up on one elbow, because it's only seven in the morning. But when he sees Minhyuk's name on his phone screen, he fumbles to answer as Daeul stirs next to him.

"Hello?" Yeonjun croaks.

"Yeonjun, we'll need you at the company at nine o'clock," Minhyuk says gruffly. "The legal team is gathering to discuss what we've determined so far and what our next steps will be."

"Oh. Okay. That's great," Yeonjun says, and he means it-they're including him, finally. "And will Choi Soobin be there with his legal counsel?"

"Not today," Minhyuk says as Daeul sits up behind Yeonjun at the sound of Soobin's name. He wraps one arm around Yeonjun's waist, and Yeonjun knows he's eavesdropping. "Today's meeting is just concerning you and the damage control we're doing and how best to proceed. The Digital Sexual Crimes Response Team will be involved from this point forward, and we're looking to make a second public statement."

"Oh. Yeah, sure," Yeonjun agrees, his heart sinking. The first public statements put out were professional and polite-exactly what Yeonjun didn't want. Please respect the privacy of the victims at this time. But he wants to speak out, speak for himself. He wants to talk to his fans and let them know that he's still here, and that he's fighting. He wants to somehow convince the public, and himself, that there's nothing to be ashamed of and that just because he filmed himself having sex doesn't mean it's wrong.

He has to believe it himself first, though.

"That's good," Yeonjun says, relieved. "So I can-"

"Hold on. Sorry, babe. Hi, this is Lee Daeul," Daeul says, pulling the phone right out of Yeonjun's hand and pressing it to his ear. Yeonjun twists under the sheets and gives Daeul a pained look, but Daeul just presses one finger to Yeonjun's lips. "Can you please repeat all of that for me? Mhm... Yes, I'm aware that I'm a third party, but Yeonjun is my partner and my family is looking after him. I need to be in-the-know at all times. Yes... yes, okay. That's good. Mhm... oh, great. I know a guy at DSCR... yeah, that's him. Small world. Will a public prosecutor be...? Ah, yes, yes. My father knows a good one in case you need a helping hand. Okay. Yes, that's excellent. Thank you. Mhm."

Daeul hangs up and hands the phone back to Yeonjun, kissing Yeonjun's forehead before he flops back onto his pillows.

"I don't like when you take my phone from me in the middle of an important conversation," Yeonjun says evenly, putting his foot down. Daeul rolls his head and blinks at Yeonjun.

"I understand that, but this is about a crime committed against you, darling. I need to be involved so I can help you out."

"There's nothing you can do to help," Yeonjun says, fiddling with his phone. Daeul lets out a hoarse laugh, the sheets rustling.

"Yeonjun, my father is the CEO of LG Group. We have strings to pull in every major conglomerate and all throughout law enforcement and the judiciary system. Government, too. There's plenty I can do to help," Daeul insists, making it sound like he's a knight in shining armor. But all Yeonjun can think about is how terrified Soobin was when Yeonjun didn't answer his texts, terrified enough that Taehyun called to check in.

"Well, I need to get up and get ready to go to the company," Yeonjun says, peeling back the covers.

"Great. I'll go with you today."

"Hyung." Yeonjun plants his feet on the ground and glances over his shoulder. He pauses. How can I play this? How do I do this? How do I get myself alone? "I need you at the office continuing to monitor. I have no idea how the stocks have been affected by this, and I can't have your parents blaming me. Please go to the office today. I can handle one small outing to the company."

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