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4.5 years ago

"Give me a free tattoo and it's a deal," he says.

"Oh, this is a business transaction now?" Soobin asks as he slips his other arm around Yeonjun's waist, fingers tickling along his lower back. Soobin requested to go watch one of the new anime movies at the cinema and now here they were.

"You're not the first man to try to get free ink out of me, Choi Yeonjun, but you might be the first to succeed."

"I am unbearably charming." Yeonjun's hand comes to rest on Soobin's shoulder, one leg hitched over Soobin's so he's nearly lying on top of him now. "Either that or you just really wanna watch that anime."

Soobin shrugs the shoulder under Yeonjun's hand. "Obviously."

Another beautiful, tinkling laugh slips from Yeonjun's lips before he leans down to catch Soobin in a kiss. They've been at this for a few months now. Ever since falling into bed together after their few dates, they haven't been able to keep their hands off each other. Yeonjun is here most days of the week, usually talking with Soobin so late into the night that he falls asleep and has to rush out in the morning for his schedule.

It's good. It's great. In every way, they complement each other. Where Soobin enjoys quiet observation in social settings, Yeonjun charms his way through an entire room. Where Yeonjun enjoys the challenge of new roles and projects and experiences, Soobin prefers the comfort and familiarity of his art. But being so opposite in so many ways balances them. They test each other every day in a way that pushes them outside comfort zones without it being too much for either. And when it is, they have quickly learned how to lean on and trust each other.

The only thing they can't moderate each other on is mischief and terrible ideas. They both love those, and it's only a matter of time before they get themselves into real trouble, Soobin thinks. But whatever happens, he knows they can take it on together.

With a heavy, sleepy sigh, Yeonjun settles onto Soobin's chest, his ear pressed over his heart. He runs his hand along Soobin's side as Soobin begins drawing patterns along Yeonjun's bare back.

"Other than watching that anime with me," Yeonjun says, pulling a laugh from Soobin, "what are your hopes for the future? Think you'll stick with Alloy & Ink as long as you can? Or are there other art endeavors you wanna pursue?"

"Not really sure," Soobin says. He draws a flower across Yeonjun's shoulder blade. "I think I'm content right now. Maybe that'll change in the future, but right now I'm fine with things staying just as they are. I think I always knew I would end up doing something like this. Ever since I was a kid."

Yeonjun props his chin on Soobin's chest, hand coming up to rest beside it. His fingers idly tap against Soobin's left pec. "You know, you never actually told me how you got interested in being a tattoo artist."

"Oh, I was a little bit of a rebel as a kid."

"Of course you were."

Soobin breathes a laugh through his nose as he looks down at Yeonjun, who stares back with sparkles in his eyes. He looks at Soobin like he holds the whole world in his palms.

"So I was always a little drawn toward alternative lifestyles and people who don't fit into society's standards. I think it's because I was little... naturally on the fringes anyway." Soobin continues his patterns along Yeonjun's spine while Yeonjun reaches up to begin toying with Soobin's hair. He pushes it back from his eyes, twirls it around his fingers. "Can you lie back for me?"

Yeonjun nods, lifting himself up without hesitation. He darts in for a quick peck on Soobin's lips before he rolls over to lie down beside him, and Soobin twists around to search for a body-safe marker in his nightstand. He always has something within reach to draw with and bought these specifically to use on Yeonjun, who has grown used to being Soobin's canvas when they talk. It helps Soobin focus, having something else he can do with his hands, as well as gives him practice with how certain lines look on specific planes of the body. And Yeonjun loves seeing what he creates.

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