Vulgar concubine

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Originally, he was very nervous all the way and didn't have much appetite. Now, he smelled the aroma of pastries, and Chen Er's mouth instantly started salivating. In the next moment, he stuffed the whole pastry into his mouth.

The rice cake was sweet and soft, perhaps not the usual taste preferred by men. But for Chen Er, who often had to eat bran and salty vegetables, a sweet pastry made from white rice flour was a rare treat. He didn't hesitate and quickly finished a plate of pastries, choking a bit, and then hurriedly poured himself a bowl of cold tea to moisten his throat.

The meal was rushed, but he was half full. After traveling for two days, he was tired and didn't feel like thinking too much now that he had food in his stomach. He took off his clothes and climbed into bed, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep and sweet sleep.

At this moment, the owner of this courtyard was in the main house of the main courtyard, with a clearly resistant expression on her face. The steward who had just received Chen Er was now standing in front of her, looking calm and composed, unaffected by the obvious resistance from the owner.

"You make a valid point, but the way of the universe is natural. Moreover, since you were young, your physical condition has not been good, and the cultivation method you practice is very special. If you don't find a suitable Kunze to help you relieve it early on, it may damage your meridians and affect your cultivation."

Upon hearing the other party's words, Xiao Yan's face showed a clear expression of difficulty and impatience, but she still restrained herself and patiently defended herself.

"Uncle Zhong, there's no need to worry. I know my own body. Besides, I have the marrow-cleansing pearl left by my adoptive father to help regulate my meridians. As for the rest, it's just a little pain, nothing serious."

The man called Uncle Zhong by Xiao Yan was named Shen Zhong. He used to be the right-hand man of the former owner of the Yanyu Building, the number one building in Jiangnan. Now, he followed Xiao Yan and became the steward of this villa. His status was far more prestigious than it appeared, and his role as a steward had nothing to do with being a servant. His attitude towards Xiao Yan was more like that of a senior taking care of a junior. Xiao Yan also respected him very much. If it weren't for Shen Zhong's dedication to finding concubines and maids for her, repeatedly acting without permission, Xiao Yan would not have shown any impatience.

Seeing that she still had the same attitude as before, clearly rejecting the Kunze practice, Shen Zhong couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "You stubborn child. Are you planning to remain single for the rest of your life because of your parents' affairs? As the saying goes, the past cannot be changed. You shouldn't burden yourself with the mistakes of your ancestors. Besides, there's a difference between something not being a problem and not hindering. Even if you can endure it, you should also consider the people around you. How can they feel at ease?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yan's brows furrowed deeply when he mentioned her parents, as if someone had touched a deeply buried pain in her heart. She immediately lost interest in communicating and put on a nonchalant tone, "I understand. Listen to you regarding this matter. Since the person has arrived, arrange for them to stay in the West Garden."

Seeing her relax, Shen Zhong said, "The person has already been arranged. I know you are not currently interested in marriage or attracting a decent family. So this time, I specially found a rare male Kunze for you. Although he has been married before, fortunately, he hasn't been marked. You can try to cultivate with him. If you meet someone you like in the future, Uncle Zhong will arrange the marriage for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Yan was already very impatient. But since the other party was her steward on the surface and her elder in reality, and he meant well, she couldn't just ignore it.

Fortunately, this was not the first time Shen Zhong had arranged concubines for her. Although he always acted on his own, he also considered her unwillingness to enter into marriage. The people he found for her had never been registered as concubines, but rather as cheap concubines who could be sold at any time.

In the past two years, Shen Zhong had found three concubines for Xiao Yan, including Chen Er, who was one of two men and one woman. The previous female Kunze had been sold and sent away because she offended Xiao Yan. In addition to Chen Er, there was also a handsome male Zhongyong in the backyard. Once they entered this villa, they became half servants, able to be sold back without a good future. Although Xiao Yan was not kind-hearted, she was also too lazy to trouble these unfortunate people with their bleak backgrounds. She thought that since they were here, she would let them live comfortably, as long as they didn't cause trouble like the previous woman. Out of sight, out of mind.

Note: Revision not needed

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