Chapter 26 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

Xiao Yan's eyes turned cold, suddenly forming claws with her fingers, and she pressed them against Xue Cai's throat. The iron chains that were shackled to Xue Cai rattled as he struggled, causing quite a commotion, but no one came out to see what was happening.

No matter how much Xue Cai resisted and struggled, it was all in vain. Gradually, he lost his strength and stopped struggling. Although he was weakened due to the poison in his body, Xiao Yan's displayed power was absolutely overwhelming. Just this move alone made people shudder, completely different from the surprise attack in the mountains that day.

Xue Cai felt panic rising in his heart. It turned out that he had underestimated Xiao Yan. This Xiao Yan truly lived up to her reputation as the master of Yan Yu Tower. She was cunning. She had hidden her true strength in their previous two encounters.

Xiao Yan used real force this time. Despite Xue Cai's efforts to maintain his composure, he quickly turned red in the face and rolled his eyes from being choked.

"Since you want to live, stop playing games in front of me. What value do you have? It's best to finish you off in one go. I don't have much patience."

After saying that, she released her grip. Xue Cai felt like his bones had been sucked out as he slumped against the nearby wall, gasping for breath. After catching his breath, he started coughing uncomfortably. He forced a bitter smile on his face, but his eyes no longer showed any sharpness.

Very good, it seems you are someone who can adapt. Unlike those brainwashed human killing machines who would rather die together than fail their mission, you truly value your own life as a unique and precious assassin.

Xiao Yan finally showed a bit of patience as she stood in front of Xue Cai, looking down at him.

Xue Cai hesitated for a while, then looked up at Xiao Yan, who had an expressionless face and seemed somewhat cold. He couldn't help but show a hint of caution in his eyes.

"Master, I believe you already know my identity. As for your background, I can also roughly understand."

Xiao Yan's eyebrows furrowed, a wary expression appearing on her face, and a cold killing intent emerged in her eyes.

Xue Cai caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan's hand tightly clenched in secret, confirming his suspicions.

Seeing the chilling smile on the other's face, Xue Cai quickly spoke up, afraid that if he continued to play coy, Xiao Louzhu might directly break his neck.

"Master, you don't need to worry. I have long guessed your background. If I had the intention, I could have already passed the information back to Shura Sect, and it wouldn't have waited until today."

Xiao Yan coldly snorted, "I don't know what you're talking about. My patience is limited. I suggest you speak less."

Xue Cai knew that the other party was testing him. If he showed even a hint of suspicion, she would mercilessly kill him. So, instead of rushing to deny or explain, he spoke truthfully, "A year ago, coincidentally, when Shen Hu Fa was selecting concubines for the master, I happened to be a killer from the An Xiang lineage of Shura Sect. It was a perfect fit for this identity. So, I came here and coincidentally got accepted into Guangling Manor. My goal, in fact, is the same as three years ago. It's not about your background, Master. In other words, in the eyes of the Bright Sect, you are still the orphan adopted by Master Xiao."

Throughout history, there have been many different schools and methods of assassination. Ambushes, poisonings, and schemes are all part of the dark and unorthodox path, without the strict rules of the righteous martial arts world. The An Xiang lineage of Shura Sect, which belongs to the Bright Holy Sect, specializes in recruiting men and women of various talents. In addition to various assassination techniques, they also specialize in the art of seduction, making them a formidable and mysterious school of assassins.

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