☆ 34. Jinjiang first issue

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Jinjiang's first release. On the seventh day of July, in the heat of the south, the sky was cloudless for thousands of miles, the white light dazzling, making it difficult to look directly at. Fluttering. . . A gray feathered pigeon flew from the south, circling and landing in an inconspicuous farmhouse on the outskirts of Lin'an City. Shen Ying whistled, and the messenger bird landed obediently. Shen Ying turned it over, took out a cloth strip from a small bamboo tube on the bird's claw. The cloth strip was blank, Shen Ying looked at it puzzled, but still didn't dare to neglect it, carefully put away the cloth strip, and hurried towards Xiao Yan's residence. She knew that it was not only Xiao Yan in the room, which was embarrassing. Shen Ying didn't dare to knock on the door rashly, just stood outside the door and called out several times, until Xiao Yan cautiously opened the door, peeked out, carefully closed the door, then turned around and made a gesture of silence to Shen Ying. That cautious and careful appearance was completely different from usual, truly admirable. Shen Ying watched, silently mocking in her heart, feeling that her master was in a difficult situation. She used to be so fierce when reprimanding her disciples, but now in front of Chen Bao'er, she instantly turned into a gentle breeze. She joked in her heart, but her face was serious, handing the cloth strip she had just received to Xiao Yan. Shen Ying: "This should be a message from Xue Cai, but there are no words or pictures on the silk cloth. What does he want to convey?" Xiao Yan took the cloth strip, looked at it over and over in her hand, her face expressionless, showing no emotion. Shen Ying: "Xue Cai comes from the demonic sect, experiencing bloodshed in the Asura path, he definitely isn't a good person. Perhaps the previous trade with us was just a temporary measure to escape. Sending a messenger pigeon now without any message, it's probably just a clever trick." Xiao Yan pinched the cloth strip and sniffed it at the tip of her nose, feeling a faint fragrance. The scent was very familiar, elegant and sweet, it was the fragrance of tea. Xiao Yan frowned, her eyes darkened. "He has great ambitions, whether or not he truly holds a grudge against Linghu Wuji as he claims, he will not be willing to be controlled by others, he is playing his own game. His goal is to provoke conflict, to make us confront the Bright Cult. Otherwise, with his skills, how could he have been stopped by Bao'er with just one move that day." Shen Ying: "It's strange, I once probed his internal energy when capturing him, his internal strength was not weak, and he did not lose his ability to act, but he willingly surrendered that day." Xiao Yan: "He temporarily placed his life in our hands, and revealed the news that Linghu Wuji is on the verge of losing control, it can be considered as a challenge. Although his goal is not to help me, it is a mutually beneficial deal." Shen Ying: "So what about today? Has the master found something?" Xiao Yan: "Although there are no other traces on it, the fabric used is made of the unique silk from Huansha Creek, and the pattern on it is called 'Jade Bow', also known as the Crescent Moon. Although it's just a piece of fabric, it has revealed the time and place of the meeting, which is quite straightforward." Shen Ying was embarrassed by Xiao Yan's "straightforward" remark, feeling ashamed, she smiled awkwardly and self-deprecatingly said, "The master's mind is truly clever, I am really caught off guard."

Xiao Ying stared at the strip of cloth in his hand, his eyes deep and mysterious: "It seems that he has finally made up his mind. He is quite ruthless towards himself."

Shen Ying: "However, Xue Cai is a member of the Tongming Demon Sect after all. There must be no need for such tact in delivering a message. There must be other methods. Could this be an intentional trap?"

Xiao Yan's eyes turned cold at the words, her fingers tightened around the clean white silk cloth in her hand, twisting it fiercely. When she opened her hand, the cloth turned into countless broken threads that scattered in the wind, leaving only a faint tea fragrance lingering in the air.

She looked dark and unclear: "Such a possibility naturally exists. But since he dared to use the tea fragrance to lure me, he must have a purpose. I have no choice but to go."

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