Chapter 18 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

Xiao Louzhu, who had suffered from insomnia, gained a new understanding of the phrase "long night" once again.

The unsettling scent of Kunze Xinxiang enveloped Xiao Yan, making her heart race all night. She couldn't do anything but restrain herself. Is this the suffering that a person should endure? Suddenly, Xiao Yan felt that the frustration of not being able to sleep at night in the past was nothing compared to this.

The next day, when no one was around, Shen Ying approached Xiao Yan mysteriously, acting very suspiciously. Especially with the hesitant expression on her face and her unpredictable gaze, it made Xiao Yan, who hadn't slept all night, feel restless. Just when she couldn't bear it any longer, Shen Ying suddenly leaned in and whispered a few words in her ear, "Louzhu, be more cautious when you're away from home."

Xiao Yan frowned, looking completely puzzled. Her gaze towards Shen Ying was filled with confusion and incomprehension.

Shen Ying: "Although Chen Shijun is a man, he should be stronger than a woman in terms of physical strength. . . But when I look at him, his physique is not that great either. Louzhu, you should also exercise some restraint."

Xiao Yan: ". . ."

Seeing the other party's gloomy and silent expression, Shen Ying forced a smile and continued without any hint of concern, "But don't worry, when I heard some noise yesterday, I drove away all the disciples outside the house."

Xiao Yan felt a little angry and amused, and asked in return, "What noise?"

Shen Ying thought that Xiao Yan would understand without further explanation, but she didn't expect her to dig deeper. Could it be that she was intentionally testing if she had been eavesdropping?

She quickly shook her head and waved her hand to distance herself, "There was no noise, I just heard that Chen Shijun seemed to have fallen."

She hesitated for a moment, her face showing a troubled expression, and continued, "There are some things that I have no right to speak about, but I have taught Chen Shijun for a few days, so I have some understanding of his situation. Chen Shijun is young, and compared to us martial artists, his body is extremely tender and fragile, almost like a bamboo shoot. Yesterday, he risked his life to save you, although it didn't have much effect, his courage is commendable. Xue Cai, who appears to have a slender figure like a willow branch, actually has deep internal strength. Although he only made a slight interception yesterday, I could tell from his face that he was not lightly affected by the rebound of force."

Although you have been holding back for these years, I have heard that once Qianyuan. . . that thing happens, you can't help yourself. But at least consider the other person's physical condition, especially when you're away from home, show some restraint."

After Shen Ying finished speaking, she realized that the atmosphere was a bit off. Xiao Yan, who usually hated long-windedness, had patiently listened to her rambling without interrupting. She looked up and saw the other party's gaze shifting, looking at her with a smile that seemed both genuine and fake.

"It's only been two days of teaching, yet you seem to care a lot about him." Xiao Yan appeared to be smiling, but her tone was neither friendly nor hostile, with a strange fluctuation.

Shen Ying was dazzled by Xiao Yan's teeth that were revealed while speaking, and sensed a different kind of sourness in her tone. She couldn't help but feel puzzled. Was there something wrong with what she had just said?

"Uh. . . it's because. . ." Shen Ying was also straightforward and wanted to explain as soon as she opened her mouth.

But before she could finish, Xiao Yan patted her shoulder and interrupted her at the same time.

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