Chapter 21 - Jinjiang first release

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Xiao Yan is so powerful that he cannot be weak. The other day, he tried to block a knife for Xiao Yan but ended up fainting and being carried back by the other party. Just thinking about this makes people feel embarrassed. How can there be such useless attendants? If one day Xiao Yan finds him burdensome and arranges him elsewhere, his fate will probably be the same as before. Chen Bao'er is tired of this drifting life. If fate must be controlled by someone, he would rather it be Xiao Yan.

Chen Bao'er imagined a big scene in his mind, his expression changing from emotional to determined in an instant.

Xiao Yan was amazed by Chen Bao'er's changing expressions, as if he had gone through many struggles and finally made a resolute decision.

"Bao'er, are you feeling unwell? If so, you don't have to follow me today," Xiao Yan said seriously, trying not to disturb Chen Bao'er's delicate thoughts.

Upon hearing this, Chen Bao'er felt a sense of crisis.

"Bao'er, as the attendant of the mansion, you should naturally follow me," he thought only about showing his loyalty, forgetting that it was presumptuous to question his master's orders.

This presumption was not realized by Chen Bao'er himself, and Xiao Yan didn't mind at all. In fact, she was happy about it.

"Then come with me for a walk," Xiao Yan said. Chen Bao'er nodded and suddenly remembered something, "Master, don't you need to have a meal before going out?" They had been delayed until now, and Xiao Yan hadn't even arranged breakfast. Chen Bao'er couldn't help but blame himself for being negligent.

Xiao Yan replied, "No need." Seeing Chen Bao'er's furrowed brows, she asked with concern, "Are you hungry? Don't worry, come with me, and I'll take you to eat outside."

Chen Bao'er felt warm inside because Xiao Yan not only wasn't angry but also remembered that he hadn't eaten. She truly had a generous heart and didn't seem like a person involved in the martial world. She was like a noble person from a virtuous family.

What Chen Bao'er was thinking, Xiao Yan didn't know, and she probably didn't want to know.

Without saying a word to anyone, Xiao Yan left with her attendant.

Lin'an City was very prosperous, and Smoke Rain Tower couldn't be located in the most bustling area.

The two quietly exited through a side door without alerting anyone except the disciple on guard duty. Chen Bao'er looked at Xiao Yan's secretive appearance and couldn't help but feel strange, as if she deliberately chose this secluded corner to leave the mansion, as if avoiding someone.

But she is the owner of Yan Yu Lou, isn't she?

Before Chen Bao'er could continue thinking, the two arrived at an empty alley. The lighting in the alley was not very good, and there were some scattered objects on the ground. Chen Bao'er accidentally stepped on a piece of tile and almost stumbled.

Xiao Yan quickly reached out and supported him.

Chen Qinzui, who had just made up his mind not long ago, felt very embarrassed for stumbling under his own feet.

Xiao Louzhu even added, "If you can't even walk properly, you'll have to eat more and strengthen your strength later."

She meant well, and even intended to joke with him to appear closer and more friendly.

Instead, Chen Bao'er blushed when he heard this.

Can't even walk properly. . . Is the Louzhu looking down on me?

Yes, a free-spirited and carefree martial artist like Jianghu doesn't need someone like me who is half-useless by their side.

Chen Bao'er couldn't help but feel discouraged, thinking that he was too useless.

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