☆ 37. Jinjiang first issue

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Jinjiang's first release. At midnight, it was the time when yin and yang were in harmony, and also the quietest time for the Heartbreaking Gu to be weakest. Xue Cai sat on a thin mat on the ground, with some firewood scattered nearby and more stacked against the wall not far away. At first glance, it looked like being inside a woodshed, and upon closer inspection, it was indeed so. With a creak, the door of the woodshed was pushed open. Moonlight poured in from outside, casting a layer of frosty white on the ground. "This place is inconvenient, there is really no extra space to accommodate, although it is a bit cramped here, at least there is a roof over our heads, please forgive us." Xue Cai sat motionless in place, his eyes unmoving, his face expressionless, unable to tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied. "Master Shen, joking aside, it turns out this is the way Yanyu Tower treats its guests. I have learned from this experience." Shen Ying saw the other person sitting on the ground in the middle of the night, the contours of her profile slightly sunken in the shadows, looking somewhat aggrieved, yet still managing to maintain a serious and indifferent appearance. She pondered, the person's position was confusing, but for now, they could be considered a fellow passenger on the same boat. Was it a bit unfair for the host to treat them in such a private and vindictive manner? "Master Xue, the host invites you." Xue Cai finally raised his eyelids and said, "The host arranged for me to be here, but is unwilling to come in person." Shen Ying did not want to argue with the other party, so she remained silent. Seeing that the other party ignored her, Xue Cai stopped teasing her and lazily stood up, following her. Shen Ying led the person into a side room, with Xue Cai following closely behind. Before entering, they could already sense the presence of two people inside. Upon entering, they found one of them to be Xiao Yan, and the other to be Chen Bao'er. "Oh, host. During the day, you said to keep me away from strangers, but how come after just a few hours, you've forgotten?" His gaze shifted back and forth between Xiao Yan and Chen Bao'er, finally settling on Chen Bao'er, his tone softening, "During the day, you seemed in a bad mood, but now, you seem much happier." When he looked at Chen Bao'er, there was a gentle and hopeful look in his eyes, giving off a comforting feeling. Xiao Yan coughed, "Hey, why do you address me like that, doesn't he have a name?" Chen Bao'er felt the atmosphere between them was a bit strange, thinking it was inappropriate to stay any longer, so he said, "I think you have something to discuss, I'll leave first." Xiao Yan spoke, "There's nothing that needs to be avoided with you, please stay and help me." Tonight was meant to remove the Heartbreaking Gu from Xue Cai's body. Although there had been explanations before, Xiao Yan was worried that Chen Bao'er might misunderstand, so she decided to have someone witness it on the spot. Once the Heartbreaking Gu entered the body, it would attach itself to the person's heart meridian, feeding on their blood and essence. A mother Gu could control multiple offspring Gu, and if the mother died, the offspring would die as well. If the offspring Gu died in a person's body, it would instantly release its toxic substance, causing death. Even if it didn't die, it was an extremely sinister poison that required regular intake of an antidote mixed with the mother Gu's secretions.

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Xue Cai, unafraid but pleased, repeatedly promised, "If the master can save my life, I naturally dare not disobey in other matters."

Having experienced many trials and tribulations in the martial world, Master Xiao naturally would not easily trust anyone. However, a captive bird breaking free from its cage may not necessarily soar freely in the sky. Who knows if new shackles have been placed upon it? The disappearance of the Gu poison can be hidden for a while but not forever. Unless the Transparent Teachings are obtained, Xiao Yan will always hold the leverage over Xue Cai.

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