Chapter 13 - Jinjiang first release

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Jinjiang First Release

After finishing the meal, Xiao Yan had some matters to attend to. As the personal attendant of the host, Chen Bao'er should accompany her. However, seeing that he was not in good spirits and thinking that he wouldn't be of much use, Xiao Yan decided to let Chen Bao'er return first, saying that someone should stay in the courtyard and wait for further instructions. In other words, she was giving Chen Bao'er half a day off to rest and rejuvenate.

On his way back, Chen Bao'er encountered someone.

"Long time no see." The person smiled lightly, appearing as graceful as a willow in the breeze. He had a slender waist and seemed thinner than an ordinary man. From a distance, he bore some resemblance to Chen Bao'er in terms of physique. However, his movements were more supple, exuding a touch of charm that surpassed Chen Bao'er, who was considered gentle and yielding.

It turned out to be Xue Cai, another attendant in the West Garden. Chen Bao'er had crossed paths with him before, and this person had warned him not to have any improper thoughts about Xiao Yan when he first arrived.

Xue Cai was not usually ostentatious. Apart from his slightly different demeanor, he was generally someone who avoided trouble. Besides the casual suppression he had directed at Chen Bao'er in the past, there had been no other substantial actions. It was probably just a show of power to fit the situation.

Xue Cai smirked, his eyes cold and his fake smile casual. "It's been a while. Congratulations on gaining the favor of the host."

Chen Bao'er replied, "Xue Cai is joking. I am just following the host and taking care of miscellaneous tasks."

Xue Cai lowered his gaze and sighed. "I heard that the host dislikes the principles of yin and yang and never allows the yielding to approach her. I thought my position would last, but I never expected to be flourishing alone without anyone to climb with." There was no trace of resentment in his tone.

Chen Bao'er vaguely understood the other person's meaning. It seemed like he was testing whether Xiao Yan was truly as rumored, "all appearance, no substance." However, the other person's words about fallen flowers having feelings and flowing water being without intention were said with a calm expression, devoid of any regret.

"Perhaps the host is just too busy." Chen Bao'er himself couldn't fully understand Xiao Yan's actions. It was true that she didn't take advantage of others in a vulnerable state, but she also repeatedly engaged in frivolous behavior that didn't seem like that of someone with a calm heart.

Xue Cai was not strikingly beautiful, but he had a unique charm, making him exceptionally elegant. His figure was more graceful than that of a woman, and his movements carried a softness mixed with a hint of strength. He was a person with a distinctive temperament. The only flaw was his mediocrity, but it was evident that he had received training since childhood and was not lacking in allure compared to any other yielding person in the world. From certain perspectives, Xue Cai could definitely be considered an exceptional individual.

Leaving such a person in the backyard without any attention or concern, Chen Bao'er felt that Xiao Yan was acting strangely.

Xue Cai asked about Xiao Yan's recent situation, as if a fallen-out concubine was silently concerned about her former lover. Chen Bao'er answered each question, but couldn't explain anything. After a few exchanges, Xue Cai realized Chen Bao'er's caution or lack of knowledge and stopped asking. His gaze fell on the dagger hanging at Chen Bao'er's waist, and he casually remarked,

"Why does Chen Bao'er carry a weapon? Is it a reward from the host?"

Chen Bao'er instinctively covered the sheath of the dagger and explained, "This was given to me by the host, but I haven't had a chance to put it away yet."

Xue Cai smiled, but there was a faint chill in his eyes. "It's a good thing. Keep it well." He glanced at the dagger at Chen Bao'er's waist and said in a low voice, "It's getting late. I won't delay your training. I'll leave first."

Chen Bao'er felt that Xue Cai's attitude was distant and deliberate, clearly displaying a hint of strangeness. This place was not a necessary route to the West Garden, so it seemed a bit far-fetched to call it a chance encounter. He didn't think the other person was deliberately trying to provoke jealousy or test him. Instead, it seemed like he was inquiring about Xiao Yan's recent situation and movements. The whereabouts of the host were a forbidden topic for servants to discuss, so Chen Bao'er didn't dare say much.

This was originally not a big deal, but a few days later news spread that Xue Cai had left Yan Yu Lou. Since then, Xiao Yan's backyard was completely dominated by the unreal Chen Bao'er.

Due to the previous example, many people who were unaware of the details speculated that Xue Cai had offended Xiao Yan. There were even busybodies who somehow learned that before Xue Cai left, he had "coincidentally" encountered Chen Bao'er, and the two had a dispute before parting ways. Perhaps Xue Shijun had offended not Xiao Yan, but the newly promoted favorite by Xiao Yan's side.

As a result, Xiao Yan, the owner of Yan Yu Lou, who had a large family and a great reputation in the martial arts world and was already quite old, gained another rumor in the martial arts world.

The usually cold and ruthless master of Tie Xue Lou actually dispersed the backyard for a remarried widow, showering her with endless favor and even accompanying her day and night, unable to be apart for a moment.

Chen Bao'er was unaware that he had become the lucky one in the eyes of many, experiencing a turn of fortune. What kind of life does a small character with a less fortunate background but delicate and weak appearance lead after being noticed by the influential figures in the martial arts world? It is filled with countless romantic fantasies. As one of the main characters, Chen Bao'er's daily life remains dull and boring, but he has become more competent in his duties as Xiao Yan's personal attendant.

The people involved in these rumors are unaware, but Shen Zhong, as the versatile left protector and chief steward, is naturally well-informed about all kinds of fascinating stories. In recent days, he has become increasingly satisfied with Chen Bao'er, and every time he sees him, he can't help but show a benevolent glow.

Shen Zhong knows in his heart that although there are various rumors and even vulgar romantic stories circulating outside, the relationship between these two individuals is still quite "superficial." On one hand, he laments that Xiao Yan is like a stone, not cherishing the soft jade and fragrance. On the other hand, he is angry at Chen Bao'er, not understanding why someone who has already been married doesn't have a bit of taste.

It seems that if these two want to make substantial progress, they will need to push things forward themselves. So, the chief steward made some arrangements and finally found a reason to send the two of them away.

Note: Unrevised

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